How To Seal The Ends Of The Hair: 4 Natural Remedies

Looking for options to seal the ends of your hair? We all love having beautiful, silky, glossy, magazine-like hair. However, we also love to cut it, dye it, iron it, brush it and subject it to a number of things that can make our hair look dull, dull and damaged.

Do you buy hundreds of cosmetic products? If this is your case, there is something you should keep in mind: you are subjecting your hair to an infinity of chemicals that in the long term affect not only the hair but also the scalp . This can lead to dandruff, irritations, rashes, and redness.

This time we have selected five natural remedies that you can use to seal the ends of the hair. All will help you keep your scalp healthy and hydrated and without spending excessively. Take note and apply all the remedies that we mentioned. Then choose the one that best suits you and your needs.

1. Avocado and almond oil

Avocado is an essential food.  seal the ends of the hair

This hair mask is one of the best known. It is an effective low cost option for sealing the ends of the hair. Because they are high in fat, you will notice changes immediately.


  • ½ avocado mature.
  • 2 teaspoons of almond oil (10 ml).


  • Make the avocado a puree and mix with the oil.
  • You apply on the hair from the middle to the ends.
  • Leave on for half an hour and rinse.

This mask provides vitamin K and folic acid that improve the appearance of your hair from the inside . The natural oils from avocado and almonds not only seal the ends of the hair, they also promote hair growth.

2. Beer to seal the ends of the hair

Although the beer It is usually the drink of choice for an afternoon with friends, it has many other alternative uses.  One of them is to use it as an ally to seal the ends of the hair. For this trick you only need to moisten your hair with the content of a beer can.

As soon as it’s dry, rinse it off and you’ll have healthy, beautiful hair. Just keep in mind that Due to its ingredients, it can also lighten the natural tone of your hair If you don’t want this effect, try the rest of the alternatives that we give you.

3. Papaya

Papaya is known for its many benefits for the skin. An alternative to sealing the ends of the hair is to use a piece of crushed papaya as a mask. You will notice the smoothness and shine from the first application.

You can apply this remedy as many times as you want, although once a week will be more than enough. However, if you hair it is very damaged you may need more applications a week.

Vitamin A and papain help improve the appearance of hair and fight dandruff . For this reason, a good option is to apply this mask before an event in which you want to look perfect.

4. Argan oil

The argan oil is well known for its benefits to the hair as it ensures softness and natural shine. It is possible that on more than one occasion you have purchased products that have it as the main ingredient, but the most effective way is pure.

A good option is to apply directly after washing your hair. For this, it is enough to buy the oil at any local pharmacy and apply about 5 drops after washing it.

Another alternative is to add about 20 ml of argan oil to a bottle of shampoo large (about a liter). In this way, you can seal the ends of the hair without complicating yourself with treatments or masks. 

Are you ready to rock the perfect hair? With these remedies you will have it easy, just choose your favorite option and be consistent with its application. You will see in a matter of days that you do not have to spend more to show off a healthy and strong mane. 

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