How To Stay In Shape Without Leaving Home

Many people complain about lack of time and do not do any type of physical activity throughout the day. Exercising is very important to stay healthy and avoid long-term health problems. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, it is possible to be in shape without leaving the house.

It is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle, such as eating well and exercising. In fact, today we have various tools that allow us to maintain our training even if we do not have time to go to the gym or go for a run.

Mobile applications, videos on YouTube and online guided workouts are good options to continue taking care of our body and figure with exercise. In addition, there are dozens of exercises that we can do without the need for machines or the like. In this space we want to share some options with you. Cheer up!

Being in shape without leaving home, a matter of attitude

True, sometimes it is wise to go hand in hand with a professional coach to keep fit. However, if there is no other option, there are no excuses. We can even take advantage of any free time at home to follow a disciplined exercise routine.

The most important thing is to have the attitude and sufficient willpower. When we are aware of the importance of exercise, not only to be in shape, but for health reasons, then we look for any way to introduce it into our routine, without any excuse.

What do we need to get started?

First of all, you have to manage time to be able to fulfill all the tasks of the day. The more organized we are, the better. After determining what time we have available, we will establish a period to exercise, be it 15 minutes, 1 hour or whatever we consider appropriate.

Now, as we have commented, it is not necessary to have specific machines or tools at hand. To the extent possible, we will focus on activities that only require our own body or items that we have at home. In addition, we will look for an appropriate space, where we can do each activity with total comfort.

Exercises to be in shape without leaving home

The practice of regular exercise is one of the habits that help us increase our physical and mental well-being. As detailed in a study published in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine , physical activity is associated with a better quality of life and the prevention of around 40 chronic diseases.

Among other things, a daily training routine helps us stay in shape, keeps us vital, and helps mitigate the effects of stress and anxiety. What options do we have to do at home?

1. Squats against the wall

 Squats against the wall

A publication in the medical journal The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research indicates that squats or squats help to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities and improve the ability to counteract a medial or lateral displacement of the knee.

  • In this case, we propose to make them against the wall. To do this, we make sure to put our backs straight against one of the walls of the house.
  • Then we lower ourselves until we are at a 90 degree angle with our legs. At first, we will try to hold for 15 seconds, then, after gaining resistance, we will do it for between 30 seconds and a minute. In total 4 series.

2. Push-ups with the arms

Woman doing push-ups

Push-ups are often used as a supplement to strengthen the torso or upper body. As we need to work the whole body to be in shape, we propose to incorporate them into the routine. There are many ways to do them, some easier than others. However, when we do not have enough stamina, it is better to start soft.

  • With the knees and hands resting on the ground, in four supports, we flex our arms and descend, so that the chest is a very short distance from the ground. We go up and do between 10 and 12 repetitions, for 4 series.
  • If we have enough physical resistance, then we will do it leaning on the balls of the feet instead of the knees.

3. Plank Sliding

Sliding plank to stay in shape without leaving home

The available evidence suggests that plank is a complete exercise in activating muscles and increasing endurance. Although it is recommended to work the abdominal area, it also helps improve spinal stability and strengthen arms and legs.

The classic plank position consists of leaning on the forearms and the balls of the feet, with the back straight and tensing the abdominals. In this case, starting from this position, we will also bring our knees towards our chest and return to the starting position. We complete 15 repetitions, in 4 series.

4. Strengthening the glutes

Gluteal exercises

Many exercises contribute to the strengthening of the gluteal muscles. In this case, we start from a position in four supports. We raise one of the legs back, so that the thigh and the rest of the leg form a 90 degree angle. We return to the starting position and do 4 sets of 15 repetitions for each leg.

5. Burpees

Burpees to be in shape without leaving home

The burpees are resistance exercises that will help us stay fit at home. We do not need a specific material, but we do need physical condition. Therefore, in case of being sedentary, it is better to start with few repetitions. Then, we can go increasing 2 or 3, until reaching about 20 repetitions.

  • To perform them, we stand up. We descend in a squat  position until we touch the ground and then we ascend to the starting position, ending with the arms stretched upwards.
  • We repeat and do a total of 4 series.

What else can we do to stay in shape without leaving home?

There are many other forms of exercise to keep fit without leaving the house. Dancing, for example, is a fun way to get physically active. Yoga or Pilates are also good options, in addition to promoting calm.

Finally, it is important to remember the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, which provides all the essential nutrients. Proper nutrition will always be the best complement to take care of both your figure and your health. Keep that in mind!

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