How To Take Horsetail To Lose Weight?

Horsetail is a very effective ingredient when it comes to losing weight, as it helps to eliminate retained fluids.

In recent years, several recipes with horsetail for weight loss have been shared. Although the plant has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, today it has gained fame as a supplement for those who want to lose weight.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a primitive plant that comes from the Equisoceae family . It is characterized by having round, rough and ribbed stems, whose size can be between 20 and 60 cm. In addition, it lacks fruits and flowers.

From a nutritional point of view, it stands out for its content of flavonoids, phytosterols, and vitamins and minerals. It also contains salicylic acid, caffeic acid and other substances that give it diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Below we review some of its properties and several recipes to facilitate its consumption as part of the diet.

Horsetail benefits

The reasons for taking ponytail to lose weight are very interesting. This well-known herb has the ability to improve lymphatic and circulatory functions, avoiding interference when you want to start losing weight in a healthy way.

Its diuretic properties fight fluid retention, a disorder involved in bulking.

Discover: 5 tips to eliminate retained liquids

Ways to take ponytail to lose weight

Recipes with horsetail for weight loss can be included in moderation in the regular eating plan. Of course, they should never be drunk to replace a main meal and should not be eaten in excessive amounts, since they could be counterproductive.

Classic infusion

Preparing the classic infusion of horsetail is very simple. You just have to follow the following steps that we are going to tell you about.


  • 1 teaspoon of dried horsetail (5 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Pour a teaspoon of horsetail into a cup of boiling water.
  • Cover the drink, let it rest for 10 minutes and filter it with a strainer.
  • Drink at most 2 or 3 cups a day.

Elements to make an infusion of horsetail.

Horsetail, artichoke and lemon drink

This is an alternative to the typical horsetail tea. The lemon softens and unifies the flavors, while the artichoke adds a touch of consistency. Follow the steps below to prepare it!


  • 1 artichoke.
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of horsetail (30 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (5 ml).


  • Cut an artichoke into several pieces and bring it to a boil in a pot with the cups of water.
  • Bring it to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and add the horsetail.
  • After 2 or 3 minutes, remove it from the heat.
  • Then, wait for it to sit for 15 minutes and strain it.
  • To finish, serve it and add a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Take a cup of drink on an empty stomach and repeat its consumption in the middle of the afternoon.

Infusion of horsetail and green tea to lose weight

To give a different (and more powerful) touch to the horsetail infusion, you can mix it with a little green tea. Follow the next steps!


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea (5 g).
  • ½ tablespoon of dried horsetail (7 g).


  • Bring a cup of water to a boil and, when it reaches its boiling point, add the horsetail and green tea.
  • Reduce the heat to a minimum and leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Finally, wait for it to sit at room temperature and strain it.
  • Drink the infusion in the middle of the morning, along with your snack.
  • If you like, repeat its consumption in the middle of the afternoon.
  • Drink in moderation. Never more than 3 cups a day.

The infusion of horsetail, one of the natural diuretics

Contraindications of Equisetum arvense

Horsetail is safe when consumed in moderation, in the short term. However, it is important to know its side effects or the cases in which it is contraindicated :

  • Do not take if you suffer from vitamin B deficiency and alcoholism.
  • It should not be ingested in excess because it can irritate the kidneys.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should not consume it.
  • It should not be administered to minors.
  • In case of liver and kidney disease it is better to consult a doctor before taking these remedies.
  • It should not be administered in people with hypertension or heart problems.
  • In excess it can cause diarrhea and gastric discomfort.

Do you dare to try the ponytail to lose weight? As you can see, it is easy to prepare and has many benefits. You just have to verify that you are not part of the special cases in which it should not be taken. If there is no problem, include it in your diet in moderation.

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