Improve Your Mood With Scents And Colors

There are people who often suffer discouragement, sadness, nostalgia, pessimism … Without reaching depression, these states worsen their quality of life and affect both them and the people around them.

In a natural way, we can look for remedies that help us improve our mood. In this article we explain how you can use scents and colors to achieve this.

Decorate your house

How many hours do you spend at home daily? Are these the times when you feel the most discouraged? Look at the tones and decoration of your house. What colors predominate?

Colors directly influence our mood  and, if we spend many hours a day in a specific room, we can take advantage of that occasion to redecorate it.

Most people have white house walls, as it is a neutral color that brings lightness and makes spaces appear larger.

One option we have is to paint only one wall or one area. But, if you are not considering painting any wall, you can play with the furniture and decoration, adding colored elements such as cushions, bedspreads, tapestries, paintings, vases, etc.

Yellow, orange and red

  • The color yellow has antidepressant effects and is a slightly strident color that usually combines well with the rest of the elements in the room. In addition, it provides a feeling of cleanliness and balance.
  • The color orange is the happiest of all, as it conveys creativity, extroversion and optimism. It is the ideal option if, in addition, we want to give a little warmth to the room.
  • If, in addition to discouragement, we feel a lack of energy, as if it were difficult for us to start each day, we suggest details in red,  very stimulating and energetic. However, we must avoid abusing it, especially in the bedroom, since in excess it leads to a state of aggressiveness and irritation.

ParksTally dining room

Natural light

To benefit from the therapeutic properties of colors, we should try to find maximum luminosity in a natural way. A dark room will lead us to a low mood, as indicated by various reviews on this issue.

The sun gives us energy and vitality so, if we cannot get it at home, we will try to go somewhere where we can quietly expose ourselves to it, at least 15 minutes a day. We will always avoid the hours of maximum solar radiation, those of noon.

sun Dd

Choose your clothes well

The colors should not just stay at home. They should always accompany you, especially to those places where you feel most discouraged. The way to achieve this is by choosing clothes in those colors.

If you find it too strident, you can choose accessories such as pendants, earrings, belts, bags, etc., that allow you to add that touch of yellow, orange or red.

Aromatize your home

In addition to colors, aromas also have a direct influence on the nervous system and emotions. This science is known as aromatherapy and is based on the use of essential oils.

We should not confuse them with the artificial essences that are sold in many stores and that are simply characterized by their smell. We must look for certified and quality essential oils, extracted from plants in a natural way.

The essential oils known for their effect on emotional distress are citrus :

  • Orange.
  • Lemon.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Tangerine.

Try them and choose the ones you like the most to scent your home. You can do it in 3 ways:

  • With an aromatic diffuser.
  • Putting water and a few drops of the essential oil in a spray can to vaporize it around the house.
  • Impregnating some containers of the house.
  • Adding them to household cleaning products.

citrus veronicasheppard

Scent yourself naturally

These oils can also accompany you wherever you go, as a natural perfume. Since the personal aroma is a very intimate and subjective matter, we recommend that you also try other fragrances that bring joy, but that always depend on the person’s taste:

  • Pine : joy of living. Stimulating.
  • Ylang-ylang : stimulating and sensual.
  • Lavender : balance.
  • Sage : euphoric.

You can apply a few drops to your neck, or mix them with your usual beauty products: with moisturizer, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, etc. Special pendants are also sold so that you can impregnate them with the essence.

Images courtesy of ParksTally, Dd, and veronicasheppard.

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