Inflamed Liver Symptoms And Tips To Treat It

The inflamed liver or hepatomegaly is a disease that we must take into account. It happens when we suffer from inflammation in the liver and it increases in size. This causes symptoms that are worth knowing about.

In this article we detail more about this disorder. Its characteristics, diagnostic tests and advice. Keep reading!

Why we can suffer from inflamed liver

To begin with, the liver performs basic and essential functions in our body. It synthesizes vitamins, eliminates toxins, filters, purifies harmful elements, regulates the levels of amino acids and fats, etc.

These are very important actions that guarantee the proper functioning of our body and that we have a good quality of life. But, sometimes, by the simple fact of complying with so many processes, it causes some element to end up damaging it. And this alters its purpose.

Sometimes viruses or bacteria cause an inflamed liver. Other times it is due to a poor diet, excessive fat, alcohol, industrial food. Medications can also cause us to suffer from hepatomegaly. So it is worth taking care of ourselves and knowing what its associated symptoms are.

Symptoms of inflamed liver

Swollen liver

1. Flu-like symptoms

First of all, during the first days of having an inflamed liver, it is common to feel the same symptoms as if we had the flu. A very acute fatigue, tenths of fever, muscle pain, the urge to vomit, etc.

However, as things happen the prognosis does not improve. On the contrary, we feel worse. This should make us suspect that it is not a simple flu.

2. Swelling of the abdomen

As it is an inflammation, it is common for you to notice your belly more swollen and hard.  In addition, this discomfort will be accompanied by pain in the abdomen.

In addition, every time you finish eating, you will have a very annoying sensation of feeling very full, very heavy and uncomfortable. You will feel nauseous and your digestions will be quite slow. If it is something that is repeated without apparent cause, it may be another possible clue.

3. Bowel problems

Third, we can establish a relationship between the gut and the liver as this study indicates. The intestinal bacterial flora is closely linked to the liver.

A fairly common fact when having an inflamed liver is going to the bathroom and seeing how your stools have changed color. They are whiter. This is due to inflammation caused by a virus. Regarding urine, doctors tell us that it is common to notice it in a darker tone.

4. Bad taste in the mouth

The liver also manifests itself on our palate. In this sense, the inflamed liver can make us notice a taste like metallic or bitter.

You don’t quite perceive the natural flavor of food and everything suddenly has an annoying sensation on your palate.  So much so that it takes away your desire to eat. You also notice that you have bad breath. that you lose your appetite and that you notice a dry mouth. It is very characteristic.

5. Pain and discomfort

In addition to the fatigue that we have already told you about, it is common to feel a very uncomfortable pain under the ribs. It is the liver that, larger than normal, pushes the ribs.

It is a sensation like having a hot plate around our abdomen. Something that makes you lose the desire to do things, that you feel more tired and sleepy.

6. Skin tone

One of the symptoms that should immediately put us on alert is if our skin or our eyes  suddenly acquire a yellowish tone (it is called jaundice). This color will always point us to the liver.

Specifically, this color is jaundice. It is a clear symptom that our liver is sick, so see your doctor immediately.

Tests to diagnose inflamed liver

Tests for an inflamed liver

Don’t worry, as most liver problems can be treated and you can recover. In general, what our doctor will do first is palpate our abdomen to notice that swelling.

Then he will ask us for an abdominal X-ray  to see if there has been an enlargement of the liver or not. It is also possible that we do an abdominal ultrasound, a test that is not annoying or painful either.

Finally, the last phase you can go through to get a clear diagnosis is an MRI of the abdomen. Here you will need to get a contrast liquid injected. But, as we tell you, medicine today has good treatments to resolve your inflammation in the liver.

Tips for treating an inflamed liver

In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctors, at home we can follow some simple guidelines that will be of great help to you to recover. Take note:

  • Consume more fiber, more fluids, natural juices, and vegetable smoothies.
  • Avoid red meat, milk, fat, and foods with a lot of seasonings or chemicals.
  • Milk thistle infusion : Few medicinal plants are as suitable for your inflamed liver as milk thistle. Heals it, detoxifies it, regenerates its cells and deflates it. You can find it in natural stores, both in tablets and in sachets ready for infusion. Take it every day and it will make you feel better.
  • Green tea:  You already know that green tea is that infusion full of incredible properties for our health. It is digestive, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants and very suitable to be taken every afternoon. Do not lose this chance.
  • The dandelion: Do you already have it at home? It is one of the essential plants to detoxify the liver and to take care of it. It is like a balm that this organ appreciates every day after eating. Do not hesitate, it is a simple remedy that will do you a lot of good.

You must always be attentive to the signals of your body to detect any problem that affects the liver. However, do not forget that it will always be the doctor who will carry out the diagnosis and treatment.

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