Infusions To Treat Fluid Retention

Edema is a common problem. Surely it has happened to you at some time: one morning you put your clothes on calmly and, however, the next day it is difficult for you to button your pants. That’s when you realize that you need to treat fluid retention.

It is an imbalance in our body that causes heaviness and swelling in the legs, ankles, abdomen … Symptoms that we can solve with the following infusions.

What medicinal plants help treat fluid retention?

Fluid retention causes us heaviness and discomfort. We feel bloated and, what is worse, in front of the mirror it gives us the feeling that we have gained weight.

It is basically due to hormonal fluctuations (premenstrual syndrome, for example), as well as the effects of a sedentary life or even associated diseases such as heart and liver problems, hypertension, the effect of stress and also the contraindications of various medications.

1. Boldo infusion

Boldo infusion to treat fluid retention

Excellent ideal option to take twice a day. Boldo leaves are perfect for treating fluid retention thanks to the fact that they have isoquinoline and quinolizidine alkaloids, very suitable oils to promote proper circulation.

To benefit from this infusion we only have to put six leaves with a cup of boiling water. Let stand 5 minutes and drink little by little at your breakfast and after your main meal.

2. Dandelion tea

Dandelion is an excellent ally to purify, which we can take both in infusion and in salads. It allows us to eliminate fluids and promote the proper functioning of the kidneys.

It is a wonderful plant. You can benefit from it by making two infusions a day, one at breakfast and the other in the afternoon. You just have to put a few leaves or flowers of this plant and let it come to a boil. Then filter the content and drink little by little. It will give you good results.

3. Green tea

Cup of green tea

Excellent infusion that favors diuresis. With green tea, not only diuresis is favored so that the body discards accumulated toxins, but we also manage to reduce inflammation and eliminate retained fluids. It is very beneficial!

You can drink up to three cups a day  to treat fluid retention. You already know that green tea is easy to find, and it is better to sweeten it with honey rather than with normal sugar, it is healthier.

4. Horsetail

Horsetail Infusion

Do you already know the great benefits of horsetail? You can find it in natural stores and even in pharmacies. It is a plant with abundant mineral salts, especially silicon, potassium and magnesium.

In addition, it is diuretic, remineralizing, astringent and antidiarrheal. How to lose the opportunity to benefit from it? It would be ideal if you took it twice a day, putting the equivalent of a teaspoon to boil in a cup of water. If you mix it with anise or mint it will taste better.

Let it sit for five minutes and take it little by little. If you are constant you will notice the improvement that horsetail infusion can bring.

5. Birch infusion

Birch infusion

The leaves of this tree are rich in potassium salts, ideal to promote a very effective diuretic action in our body, thus eliminating the feeling of heaviness and fluid retention.

Would you like to try it? You just have to look for it in a natural store or an herbalist, it is well known and offers great results, also perfect for curing possible urinary infections.

You can take between one or two cups a day. Bring the equivalent of a spoon to a boil in a cup of water, and let it steep for five minutes. You can have a cup at breakfast and another in the middle of the afternoon. It feels very good, it is digestive and it has a very pleasant taste. Don’t stop trying it.

General recommendations to avoid fluid retention

Woman exercising

To treat fluid retention, we must follow a diet low in sodium, therefore, it is necessary that we eliminate the consumption of salt in meals. You can season your dishes with other aromatic plants, or with vinegar, lemon, garlic or onion …

Ideal if we make a little effort to follow a diet rich in vegetables, vegetables such as pumpkins, tomatoes, asparagus, alacachofas … Take bananas, they are very rich in potassium, legumes and complex carbohydrates (pasta, rice) …

Drink at least two liters of water a day  (if it costs you a little, add a little lemon juice and it will be more pleasant). And of course … don’t forget to do some exercise, an hour a day is enough: a walk, a bike ride. It will be very good for your health in general.

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