Instant Coffee: Is It Recommended?

Instant coffee offers an important advantage over traditional coffee. The size of the particles that make it up saves a lot of time in its preparation. As a negative point we can mention that a certain quality is lost in the flavor. 

However, and despite the beliefs that this type of coffee can be harmful to health, there is no scientific article that confirms it. It is a healthy product that, like traditional coffee, offers antioxidants in its composition.

Regular consumption of these types of nutrients is related to some benefits for the body, as shown in a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology . However, if you are a lover of the taste of coffee, we advise you to opt for its classic version so as not to lose organoleptic properties.

Risks associated with coffee consumption

Relaxed woman drinking coffee

Although instant coffee, in the same way as the classic one, is beneficial for health, it does present a series of risks if we do not take certain precautions. One of the worst habits when it comes to drinking coffee is adding too much sugar.

The best thing is to choose to enjoy its natural flavor. However, if you do not like the bitter touch, you can camouflage it by adding a small amount of vegetable drink or artificial sweetener. Vegetable drinks, although they can have a large amount of sugar in their composition, are healthier than ingesting white sugar as such.

Something similar happens with artificial sweeteners. Although their long-term healthiness is not proven according to scientific literature, they are usually a better option than white sugar, as long as they are consumed in moderation.

Does instant coffee have benefits?

The latest studies suggest that coffee has no negative influence on cancer risk. What’s more, it could even have a protective role against oxidative stress. This could be due to the presence in coffee of polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that protect the body from many pathological processes.

However, it is important to mention that certain doses of acrylamide are also found in coffee, with a toxic potential if consumed in excess. As if this were not enough, the scientific literature associates coffee consumption with a decreased risk of cardiovascular death.

Furthermore, it appears to also reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke. On the other hand, there are associations between coffee consumption and reduced risk of depression, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

In fact, the intake of 3 or 4 cups of coffee a day is associated with benefits on general health. However, excessive consumption of this substance also carries certain risks such as alterations in the nervous system.

Traditional or instant coffee?

Coffee grains

The type of coffee does not matter. The health benefits of coffee are independent of the variety we consume. In this way, even with decaffeinated coffee we obtain a supply of antioxidants that generate protection against the risk of suffering from certain diseases in the medium or long term.

You just have to be careful with the substances that are added to the coffee itself. The addition of alcohol, refined sugar, condensed milk, etc., notably worsen the quality of the product due to the presence of toxic substances that are not highly recommended for the sedentary population.

Instant coffee is recommended

Instant coffee is a healthy product that can be included in a healthy and balanced diet. The only negative point with respect to classic coffee is the loss of organoleptic properties. For coffee lovers, the loss of bitter touches or aromas can be a drawback when consuming these types of products.

However, it is important to emphasize the benefits associated with coffee consumption in the medium and long term. Especially when it comes to cardiovascular health, at least 2 cups of coffee a day could have an important protective effect.

Therefore, you should choose the variety of coffee that best suits your taste according to taste and organoleptic characteristics, with the precaution of adding little or no amount of sugar, alcohol or other products that can cloud its quality and properties.

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