Is It Good To Wear Flat Shoes Every Day?

Since the flat shoe can also be harmful to our skeleton and muscles, it is best to alternate different types of footwear to improve our postural hygiene.

Is flat shoe bad or good? Let me guess: your feet hurt and you don’t know why. You exercise frequently. You warm up and stretch before and after doing it. The rest of the time you use the car to get around. At home you wear the slippers of your whole lifeā€¦ Despite everything, the pain persists. You no longer know what to do, but that annoying pang does not let you enjoy your day to day as you would like. Where is the problem? Maybe you are wearing the wrong footwear.

In general, almost everyone knows that wearing heels on a daily basis is harmful. Therefore, some people have decided to reduce its use. However,  few know the negative consequences of wearing a flat shoe. A priori, it is more comfortable and it seems that the foot suffers less. However it is not always so.

Consequences of wearing flat shoes every day

Heel fasciitis

The trigger for all ills is called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis has several causes, and among the most common are repeated impacts in the heel area. For example, as it can be in sports where long distances are covered. However, there are other causes such as obesity or diseases such as diabetes.

The lower extremities are very important in balance. If it fails, other muscles will be affected, due to the extra effort they are forced to put in. While some muscles are freed from working, others have to take over. Thus, a series of inflammations are produced that cause severe pain in the back, hips, ankles …

In addition, this difficulty is exacerbated when we unconsciously change our way of walking to try to reduce the discomfort. Far from achieving what we propose, what we achieve in intensifying the affection, given that we adopt an unnatural position. Think about this: when a muscle becomes inflamed, it displaces the bone that covers it and this movement causes another to become irritated, so the process expands without our noticing.

How to take care of your feet

If wearing heels every day is not good, and neither is the flat option, what can we do? Follow our advice and you will notice considerable relief.

Use templates


Fortunately, orthopedic products are becoming more affordable. Likewise, businesses related to this branch of medicine have multiplied. It is best to use one that provides a height of 1 or 2 cm.

Change shoes

As with almost everything, excesses are not good. The middle point is the most recommended. Bearing this in mind, we recommend varying the type of shoe you use every day or two. In this way, the feet will experience moments of effort and rest, so that their forces will be optimized. Thanks to this, we will achieve a postural hygiene that will benefit all our tissues.

Use house slippers with a silicone insole


The time we spend at home is also important. We have to take care of ourselves at all times and anywhere. Therefore, we must also be cautious with house slippers. Most are usually flat, so it is desirable that you incorporate a silicone insole with the same characteristics as those you use in street shoes.

In any case, we want to make it clear that, although the flat shoe is healthier than heels, we should take into account what our bone structure is like. In this way we can adapt our dresses and accessories to these characteristics, since it is not a question of comfort, but of health. Being comfortable or feeling beautiful cannot be an obstacle to our well-being.

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