Is It Possible To Lose Weight On The Face?

Having a round face is not always as attractive or adorable as it seems, especially if we have already managed to exercise and lose weight in other parts of the body. Exercise and good nutrition are two of the most important pillars that we must take into account to lose weight. Would you like to know how to achieve it? In this article we will tell you about it.

Tips to slim your face

Some of the weight loss options may be going to the gym, riding a bike, or spinning. However, for the face there does not seem to be a specific routine that brings us closer to the results we want. If you want to slim your face, pay attention to the following tips:

1. Eat fewer unhealthy calories

To have a slimmer face, you should get rid of all those fatty, sugary or fried foods that we love so much but that, sometimes, are not too beneficial for health.

The secret is to consume fewer calories than you burn with daily exercise. Instead of fast food or unhealthy snacks, we recommend eating a high fiber diet. Thus, you can better metabolize calories and eliminate fat accumulated on the chin or cheeks.

2. Lose weight

Helps to lose weight

We have to take into account that the shape of the face is also conditioned by the bone structure of each person, genetics, race and other factors. Either way, when you lose kilos in the other areas you will begin to notice facial changes ; the cheekbones will take shape and the chin will stop ‘showing off’ that unsightly hanging skin.

Therefore, joining a gym or starting exercises at home is an excellent idea. You can not only refine the face, but also the abdomen, legs or arms. You will look much better!

3. Drink lots of water

Hydrating is the best way to eliminate toxins and fat accumulated on the face. If to that you add a reduction in the consumption of salt or foods that contain sodium, your body will get rid of all the waste that does not serve.

In addition, drinking water is recommended for healthier, younger and more beautiful skin. Therefore, not only will the face be thinner, but also more beautiful. You can also try natural juices and herbal teas; especially try diuretics, such as dandelion or horsetail.

4. Exercise

Physical activity is essential to lose weight and stay in shape. Perhaps  the face is not the first thing that loses weight when exercising, since calories and fat are burned in other areas before.

However, do not despair, as at some point the reduction of the double chin or the cheekbones will begin. In addition to a routine in the gym, we recommend staying as active as possible, even if you have a sedentary job.

How to achieve it? Going to the office by bicycle, using the stairs instead of the elevator, shopping on foot rather than by car, getting up from your desk every hour, among other daily actions.

Also, walks, bike rides, or jogs in the park are great, simple, and gentle exercises to start with. Then you can add more difficulty to the routine or add more days of activity in the week.

Here we propose a simple exercise that you can do a couple of times a week.

5. Hide the round face (meanwhile)

Until changes in your diet and daily movements take effect, you can resort to certain makeup and hairstyle tricks to make your face look more refined. For example, do not overload your cheeks with blush and do not wear a haircut that is too ‘close’ to the face.

6. Get massages

Lymphatic drainage massages

Who said that the face is not worth a good massage session? They can be stressful and help you feel much better.  Begin with gentle pinching along the entire jaw line from the chin up to the earlobes.

Then make circular motions across your cheeks. Leave the mouth ajar and the jaw very loose so that the whole face can be exercised.

Another option is to massage the chin area, where fat and skin tend to accumulate. Put a little almond oil on your fingers so that the dermis does not irritate.

Exercises to slim the face

A facial routine does not require a lot of effort and is an extremely fun activity. You can practice it at any time of the day and take the opportunity to laugh for a while in front of the mirror.

You will put aside stress, worries and problems! And in the meantime … You will be doing exercises to slim your face.

  • Open your mouth as wide as you can and then close it ; repeat 10 times.
  • Open your mouth wide and close your eyes; When you close your mouth, open your eyes. Do this coordination exercise at least 10 times.
  • Move your closed lips to the sides of your face as many times as you can.
  • Fill your mouth with air to puff up your cheeks, hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat 10 times.
  • Pretend to give ‘kisses’ and then a smile without parting your lips (cheeks should move) at least 15 times.
  • Stick your tongue out and move it around for 1 minute.
  • Scrunch up your face as if you’ve smelled something unpleasant or are about to sneeze.
  • Tilt your head back and hold for 10 seconds; then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

As you may have noticed, it is totally feasible to lose weight with just a few simple changes in our habits. Remember, finally, that any change in diet must have the approval of a professional who can point out possible incompatibilities.

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