Is It Possible To Love Without Suffering?

There are many people who have suffered bad experiences in their affective relationships. Couples who have come to a painful end and are now mired in a kind of skepticism when it comes to falling in love again. Is it possible to love without suffering? Let us try to know how it is possible to achieve it.

Also read Differences between healthy and toxic love

1. Affective relationships, happiness and suffering

Reaction to. If you have a strong self-esteem, if you love yourself, enjoy who you are and feel proud of your personality, you will avoid much suffering. Let’s take an example. A girl is rejected by a boy. This rejection plunges her into a depression and she thinks that she is not good for any other man, that no one will ever love her.

However, his friend, who has a good self-concept and strong self-esteem, reacts differently to a rejection : “if this boy has left me, it is because he did not deserve me and he has not known how to appreciate my worth, for sure that I find another person who discovers how I am and loves me for myself ”.

Also read Love me if you dare: high self-esteem in a relationship

3. Always look for your inner growth

To love a person in a healthy way, you must first value yourself and feel that there are things about you that the other person also values. “If I love and respect myself, I will be able to love you as a mature person.” Take, for example, those people who are especially jealous.

Jealousy is caused by insecurity. People who manifest them think that since they do not value themselves by extension, they also think that their partners can go with someone better at any time.

The best thing is to love mature and balanced people, self-confident people capable of bringing happiness and optimism, capable of growing as a couple day by day.

We know that love sometimes involves some suffering. But sometimes it is worth it to build as a couple. If you see that it is not possible, it will always be better not to uselessly lengthen a situation that only brings sadness. Remember: loving is always worth it and you deserve to be loved.

Here are tips that may not work in all cases. If you need professional help, we recommend that you go to a mental health specialist.

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