Know The Properties Of Flax

It is important that we do not consume flax seeds directly so that they do not cause digestive disorders. To avoid this, we must grind or boil them to get their oil.

Flax or linseed seeds come from the plant with the same name. Generally when the flowers mature, a type of capsules are formed in them where the seeds are.

One of the advantages of linseed is that it contains several substances that are used in a large number of areas, such as medicine, livestock or the textile industry.

Characteristics of flax seeds

According to this research by Puleva Biotech, flax seeds work as an important cardioprotective element. This is due to its abundance in polyunsaturated fatty acids, specifically, omega-3 fatty acids, present in this food.

Similarly, flaxseed (common name for flax seeds) also contains lignans, phytoestrogens with an important antioxidant function that are responsible for fighting the effects of free radicals.

Salad with flax

According to this study carried out by the Fasta University, flax seeds are also highly recommended for cases of constipation thanks to their high fiber content. However, we must not forget that in a case of severe constipation we must go to our private doctor.

In the same way, this research by Dr. Montgomery ensures that omega-3 fatty acids could play an important beneficial role in patients with bipolar disorder. 

Beneficial effects of flax

In summary, flax seeds are very good for treating the following ailments (as long as we have the approval of a health specialist):

  • Overweight.
  • Diverticulitis
  • Constipation.
  • Lack of vitality.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Bread with flax seeds

How to consume flax seeds?

If you’re going to include flax seeds in your diet, make sure you don’t suffer from any related allergies. If you have doubts, you can consult your GP.

There are different ways to ingest flaxseeds, as they can be one of the ingredients in pastry, bakery or food preparations. Thus, two interesting ways to consume them are:

  1. Ground
    Take 3 tablespoons of seeds, place in a grinder, grind them until they are made into a powder and then spread in various dishes, such as fruit juices, yogurts, cakes, salads, etc. They can be stored in an airtight jar and placed in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
  2. Oil
    Boil water following the ratio of half a cup for each tablespoon of seeds. Leave on the fire for ten minutes or until you see that the oil has been extracted from the flax, then strain the mixture and wait for it to cool. Next, add apple cider vinegar or sugar and drink. If you do not want to boil the water, you can opt for a cup of warm water and let it rest for at least three hours.

Keep in mind that whole flax seeds do not offer nutritional benefits, since they are difficult to digest and can even cause digestive disorders such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel.

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