Learn How To Make Delicious Cheese Nuggets With This Recipe

The nuggets are recognized foods in the fast food industry. In fact, there are those who have learned to prepare them at home to enjoy them on special occasions. On this occasion, we have dusted off the recipe for some delicious cheese nuggets that you will like to share with your family.

Cheese and chicken in the same recipe will always be very tasty. And these two ingredients are really striking and complementary, they combine very well and add an extra flavor that is always a cause for delight. Take your notes!

Nuggets Cheese

cheese nuggets with sauces

In the case of cheese nuggets , a small but delicious variation on this homemade recipe will give it an original touch. As Wikipedia points out , traditional nuggets are made up of chicken breast or other soft parts previously passed through flour or breadcrumbs that are then fried.

Now, this preparation of cheese nuggets can be done at the same time. On the other hand, to break the routine of every day in the kitchen comes in handy. They are even a great option if you have a family reunion or special event.

Not every type of cheese is ideal for this recipe

Types of cheese.

It is important that you know how to differentiate that for the cheese nuggets recipe, the type you will use must be one that has consistency, not too salty and preferably creamy. For this purpose, there is no better than  mozzarella.

Also, because it comes in multiple presentations, sizes and shapes, it seems like the ideal option so that you can combine it with the chicken filling and the other ingredients. Remember, if for example you choose cheddar, ricotta or whatever you have available, the result may not be the most suitable.


  • 4 cups with minced chicken meat (480 g)
  • 2 slices of sliced ​​bread, without the crust (200 g)
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of mozzarella cheese (180 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of fluid milk (60 mL)
  • 1/2 cup of wheat flour (60 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs (120 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil (69 mL)
  • 1 pinch of salt (5 g)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper (5 g)
  • 3 strips of absorbent paper


  1. First, you should start by placing the minced chicken meat and the grated mozzarella cheese in a bowl.
  2. It is important that the meat does not contain any bone or cartilage, only the soft parts.
  3. Next, you will season a little and with your hands you will give several turns to the pieces of chicken and mozzarella to ensure that they season well.
  4. Now, you will dip the slices of sliced ​​bread on both sides in liquid milk and then you will introduce them into the bowl.
  5. Then, with your hands, you will mix the sliced ​​bread and the pieces of minced chicken meat until you achieve a homogeneous mixture. Take the time you need to get it.
  6. Once the previous step has been completed, you proceed to take a portion of the mixture that you made and shape the nuggets with your hands.
  7. Important: do not forget that it must be at least the thickness of your finger. If not, it will be difficult for it to settle.
  8. Then, you will pass each mold that you make with your hand through wheat flour, then in beaten egg and finally through the breadcrumbs. Repeat until complete with the others.
  9. Reserve on a separate plate and refrigerate for 30 minutes. This will help the dough sit well and adhere better.
  10. To finish, you will fry each nugget in hot oil, let it drain on absorbent paper and remove when it is golden brown.
  11. And voila, you will have finished your delicious and very simple homemade recipe for cheese nuggets.

In conclusion, we find a different recipe to vary the traditional nuggets. However, if we want to maintain a healthy diet, we must reserve this type of preparation for specific cases such as celebrations.

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