Learn To Save Yourself First

Learn to give yourself the importance you deserve and save yourself first. Many times you fret from thinking too much of others, but that has to end.

From a young age they teach us that it is other people who should be in the first place. Meanwhile, we adopt a secondary position.

We understand, then, that we can only be happy if others are. For that we have to save them from their problems, be there for everything they need, say “yes” when we want to say “no”. This series of customs is installed in us like a dogma, but it wears us down and causes us to forget ourselves.

Learn to save yourself to be happy

Continuing with this way of life, we end up becoming martyrs. We swallow all the negative that happens to us, downplaying it, and giving it only to others.

However, over time we realize that we become sad people. That, this of always being concerned about others, detracting from our own value, causes us to neglect ourselves and ends up taking a toll on us.

It will be late when we realize that we look out for the welfare of others, but that nobody looks out for ours. At a certain point we will have no choice but to open our eyes and begin to think that, if no one saves us, we will have to do it ourselves.

Tips that you do not apply to your life


Learn to save yourself by being aware that there are advice that you provide to others but that you do not apply yourself:

  • For example, you might be great at giving encouragement to all those who have relationship issues. When you give them, you feel identified, but you yourself are aware that in your life you do the opposite.

    Knowing this is already a first step; that you realize is very positive. Pick this up and start thinking about how you are acting.

    When you give directions to others to improve your life, but you do the opposite, something strange is happening. It is time to change and, before giving advice, you start applying it yourself.

    It is not selfish to look after yourself

    If you are beginning to see for yourself, you are surely beginning to think you are selfish. Although it makes you feel uncomfortable, this feeling is natural, but you should not allow it to last.

    Well, actually, that selfishness doesn’t make sense. The natural thing is to attend to your well-being first, and then to be able to do it for others.

    It can help you to think about the times when it is said that if we do not know how to forgive ourselves, we will not be able to forgive others. Similarly, if we don’t love ourselves, we can’t love anyone else.

    You may not consider this to be true. But the truth is, if you don’t learn something, how can you teach it to others?

    • Imagine that you are in your high school days and someone asks you for help on a certain topic that you have not yet studied. Would you find yourself able to provide the best of your recommendations and explanations? Probably not. The same is true in life.

    Save yourself: live your life, not anyone else’s


    The moment we adopt as a way of proceeding to give more importance to what happens to other people, we end up not living our own life. Suddenly, your concerns are those of those around you, your problems those of others …

    You stop savoring the pleasure of your existence. And over time, you end up becoming impervious to sensations, emotions, and a host of pleasures that you could enjoy.

    So it is very important that you are aware that your life comes first, that it is fantastic and surely you have a lot to do and experience. You only get one chance to do it. Do not waste your time.

    Discard those thoughts that scream “selfish” and replace them with “I love myself”, “I love myself”, “I deserve it”. You are not a supporting actor, but the protagonist of your life. Give yourself the position you deserve and enjoy it. Learn to save yourself.

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