Loving Someone Who Already Has A Partner: Mistakes We Make

If the person we love has been unfaithful to his partner with us, why would he not also cheat on us if the occasion came?

Love is capricious and we do not choose who we fall in love with. Sometimes we look at someone, there is complicity between the two and we believe that they have everything we are looking for. However, this person already has a partner. It is a complicated situation and we have to be cautious and aware of what it entails.

Many times, love blinds us in such a way that we make mistakes that we do not even realize. In this case, some possibilities must be considered, since we can cause a lot of damage to third parties and also to ourselves.

Today we are going to discover some mistakes we make when we find ourselves in the situation of loving someone who already has a partner. Did you ever happened?

Mistakes we make when we love someone with a partner

How to manage jealousy after an infidelity

Wait for the other relationship to break

When we love someone who has a partner, sometimes they promise us that they will leave the other person to be with us. With these affirmations, we are waiting for that to happen to start a relationship with that person we love.

If this is so, we should not pressure him. These types of circumstances are not easy and, in addition, you have to take into account the type of relationship you have with your partner: if they are married, dating or have children.

In the event that you hide your feelings or tell us clearly that you have no intention of leaving your current partner, there is no point in waiting for anything. We would be the ones who would decide whether to accept being “the others” or to break the relationship.

Usually, the first case occurs more frequently. However, we have to be aware that if, after a few months, the situation does not change, the wait is being in vain.

Many people spend years waiting for the one they are in love with to break up their relationship. However, given the prolongation in time, it is clear that this will not happen no matter how much they swear and perjure that it does. Therefore, it is important not to make the mistake of waiting for something that will not come, even if they say nice words in the ear.

Trying to hurt the person who already has a partner

We may unconsciously harm you. How? It may be that our longing for the person we are in love with to break up their relationship makes us talk bad about their current partner.

Phrases such as “if he acts like that, he doesn’t love you anymore, he’s using you” or “maybe he’s seeing someone else as well.” They are examples of how we can try to make the person we are with break up with their partner.

Thus, we do not allow her to make that decision on her own. What’s more, we fill your head with harmful thoughts that will make you doubt and, surely, argue with your partner.

This only makes things worse and causes suffering. We are not being honest, much less are we giving the opportunity to the person we love to act freely. We are trying to manipulate the situation so that it works in our favor.

Believe that the person we love will be faithful to us

What are micro-infidelities?

This is one of the errors that can attract our attention the most. Let’s imagine that the person we love breaks off his relationship: do we really expect him to be faithful to us? Perhaps that is the case, but we have to bear in mind that that person was being unfaithful to his partner with us. Therefore, there has been a lack of respect in that relationship.

Do we realize what kind of values ​​the person we are with now has? Do we expect him to act in a different way with us because we are? We have to be very careful with the expectations we place on that person. If you have been unfaithful to your partner, why shouldn’t you be cheating on us?

Loving a person who already has a partner is a delicate situation that can wear us down if we wait for a break that will never come. We can also harm the other relationship. Therefore, think carefully before acting if it is really worth it. Our brain is attracted to forbidden things, so you must be rational.

How do you think we should act in such a circumstance?

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