Makeup In Girls: Is It Good For Your Health?

Although for many girls makeup is imitation behavior and a game, for others it may be a must before going out on the street. As parents, we must limit this behavior

It is increasingly common to see makeup on girls. They usually start with a “harmless” gloss on the lips or nails. But later they want mascara, lipsticks in other colors, eyeliner …

Beyond the psychological connotations, these elements can be very harmful to your health. Find out why.

When girls want to put on makeup

With each passing generation, the average age of beginning for girls to experiment with makeup decreases. So much so that they sell kits with all kinds of “make-up” for little girls of 4 or 5 years old.

Without a doubt, television has a lot to do with this habit. Also in the lack of information from parents. At that age, no one needs to highlight their attributes. They are all pretty and have no blemishes.

If we think of a 7-year-old girl who is just starting school and already wants to put on makeup, it may be because she is seeing that example in someone her age, be it her favorite music star or a classmate.

The cosmetics industry is doing its business and offers makeup kits for girls with characters they love, such as Disney princesses. It is not a simple game, because many of them do not want to go out if they do not paint their lips or eyes.

It is vital that parents put a stop to the situation. They may not see it as a bad thing that they paint themselves from time to time, but it would also be good to know what the effects of makeup are for their health, still in development.

Makeup in girls and its effects on the skin

Girls under 12 have very sensitive dermis and these products are more than harmful to them. They are designed to cross the skin barrier, which is still extensive and thin in them. This can cause inflammation or allergic reactions. It is also worth noting that makeup can contain metals and that worsens the picture.

When it comes to perfumes, many fragrances have dyes and parabens, harmful substances for any age. The use of makeup bases (the question is why if they do not have pimples or wrinkles) clogs the pores and this generates dermatitis or cosmetic acne, which can inhibit them from using make-up in the future.

Some girls are allowed to wear makeup to a party or on their birthday, for example. Although we may think that there is nothing wrong with it, the problem is that the products contain malignant substances that penetrate the skin on first contact.

In the event that we accept that our daughters wear their faces made up for their celebration, it is necessary to look for products for their age and wash their skin correctly once the party is over. For nothing in the world, little ones have to wear adult makeup because they are not designed for their skin type, not even those that say they are for very sensitive dermis.

We must always choose hypoallergenic products, oil free (free of oils), without aromas or colorants, to avoid irritating the skin. And keep them on the face for the least amount of time possible.

At what age could girls start putting on makeup?

Beyond what the parents indicate, we refer to a scientific or medical question.

Dermatologists indicate that there is no minimum age to start this habit, but most point out that just turning 14 could be an ideal time. It is at this stage that girls become young girls and prepare for life as women.

Tips for parents of girls who want to put on makeup

If your daughter is between the ages of 6 and 14 and wants to wear makeup at all costs, it will not do much to explain to her that these products have components that are harmful to her health. You know why? Because it will tell you that if you use them (or the mother), she also has the right. And these days, the psychology of “I am older” does not usually count for much.

Here are some tricks to apply with your daughter.

Make the difference between the game and reality

Allowing her to put on makeup while playing at home is a very different thing than letting her go outside or go to school with mascara and lipstick.

Indicate what the limits are

Precisely in relation to the advice above, determine when makeup is allowed and when it is not. Explain your decision using language appropriate to their age.

Promise that you can do it later

For example, if the girl is 10 years old, tell her that she is very close to putting on makeup the way she wants. And then you will have a lifetime to do it.

Do not stop putting on makeup

While it is true that girls copy the models of mothers (also older sisters, aunts, cousins), that does not mean that you cannot fix yourself until they grow up. Explain why there is a difference between you and her.

Let me experience

Once you’ve reached the accepted age to start putting your makeup on, it’s good to go slowly. It is also not a question of allowing you to buy all the kits that are sold in stores. You can, for example, add a supplement per month or when you have good grades.

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