Natural Pineapple Mask To Reduce Wrinkles Under The Eyes

One of the major aesthetic concerns of women has to do with the appearance of small wrinkles on the face. Pineapple is an ideal ingredient to slow down the progression of wrinkles.

Although it is a biological process of the skin, some are trying to delay it to maintain a youthful appearance for longer.

However, this is becoming increasingly difficult as constant exposure to the sun and environmental factors lead to accelerated deterioration.

The lower part of the eyes is one of the most affected, since the delicate skin that covers it tends to more easily develop the signs of aging.

Fortunately, several rejuvenation techniques have now been developed that allow it to be significantly attenuated.

The downside is that accessing them is usually too expensive and they are not always 100% effective.

Because of this, today we want to share a natural alternative that takes advantage of the qualities of pineapple to achieve an effect similar to commercial treatments.

Next we want to give in detail its main properties and how to prepare it at home. Give it a try!

What are the benefits of this natural pineapple mask?

Anti-aging mask

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that has been used for gastronomic and medicinal purposes for many centuries.

Not long ago it was discovered that it is also an ally of the skin thanks to the action of its active enzyme known as bromelain, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and pH regulator.

This substance is a natural form of alpha hydroxy acid, a compound that is being used in the cosmetic industry to make anti-wrinkle creams.

On the other hand, it should be noted that it is also rich in antioxidant agents, molecules with the ability to stop cellular damage from free radicals.

It has a high water content that, after being applied, regulates the production of skin oils to reduce the greasy appearance.

It also helps retain natural moisture, reducing dryness, flaking and eczema problems.

How to prepare a pineapple mask to reduce wrinkles under the eyes?

To take advantage of the aforementioned qualities of pineapple, we can make an alternative treatment to reduce the appearance of those little wrinkles or crow’s feet.

In this case, we propose to enhance its effects with the properties of honey, an ingredient that also acts as an anti-wrinkle in addition to eliminating dead cells.


  • 1 large slice of pineapple
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Peel the pineapple, cut a large slice and chop it up.
  • Next, add it to the blender and blend it well.
  • After obtaining a puree or natural juice, add the two tablespoons of honey and stir.

Application mode

  • In the evening hours, cleanse the skin with your regular cream and make sure to remove all traces of makeup.
  • When it is completely clean, spread the mask around the eyes, especially on fine wrinkles.
  • Let it act for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • The remaining product can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Use it every day or at least three times a week.

To keep in mind!

Pineapple cut into chunks

Some of the compounds in pineapple can cause photosensitivity on the skin, so it is not advisable to expose yourself to the sun after its application.

To avoid burns or other effects, use it only at night and don’t forget to apply sunscreen the next day.

On the other hand, if you have any kind of sensitivity or skin condition, it is best to do a little test before using the entire product. If there is no unfavorable reaction, you can use it without problem.

Thanks to its anti-wrinkle and moisturizing qualities, this same formula can be used as a treatment to rejuvenate the delicate skin of the décolleté and neck. In these two cases, increase the amount of honey to make it more effective.

Remember that because it is a natural option, the effects of this mask take a little longer to become noticeable.

To achieve this as soon as possible, it is essential to use it continuously and supported by other aesthetic treatments.

In addition, it is essential to maintain a good diet, protect yourself from the sun with sun glasses and consume more water. Follow each of these tips and see that for very little money you can achieve younger and more toned skin.

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