Olive Oil And Garlic Treatment To Combat Varicose Veins And Spider Veins

In addition to applying this remedy daily, to improve the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins it is essential that we take care of our diet and let’s practice exercise

Varicose veins and spider veins on the legs are mainly a cosmetic problem that many people – especially women – want to treat as soon as possible, whether they cause pain and discomfort or not. To do this, they not only follow the doctor’s recommendations, but also look for alternative methods, such as the olive oil and garlic treatment.

Although they are more common after the age of 50 or during pregnancy, there are some factors that can cause them to appear at an early age. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of treatments and products that mitigate the discomfort and disguise its appearance. 

Next, we will tell you more about a natural treatment based on olive oil and garlic that, applied through massage, could contribute to the health of the skin and the relief of some discomfort in mild cases of varicose veins and spider veins.

A little more about this alternative treatment

Woman applying cream to her legs

The combination of olive oil and garlic is a moisturizing ointment, suitable for performing massages. Although it is not for conventional use given its smell, those who have tried it assure that they have noticed some relief.

From the point of view of health experts, what provides relief is not the mixture as such but the application of it through massages that help drain the legs. It should be noted that this massage must be performed by an expert, since otherwise, excess pressure or the execution of a bad movement could worsen the discomfort.

Therefore, it is not worth simply applying the mixture to your legs as if it were a cream or lotion. In doing so, we would simply be providing extra hydration to the skin … with a very oily ointment with an intense smell, which could well be replaced by a more pleasant option from the aromatic point of view, such as coconut oil or almond oil. .

Olive oil and garlic treatment recipe

If you are curious to try the olive oil and garlic treatment, prepare it by following the recipe below. But before you get down to it, we recommend that you choose an extra virgin olive oil and fresh whole garlic, because according to popular wisdom, this way your skin could better absorb its properties.


  • 12 fresh garlic cloves.
  • Extra virgin olive oil (100 g)
  • A glass jar.


  • Peel the garlic cloves, cut them in half and crush them, with the help of a mortar, until you get a paste.
  • Add the crushed garlic to the jar and then add the olive oil.
  • Cover the container and put it in a cool, dark place overnight.
  • The next morning, stir the ingredients with a wooden utensil and strain them to separate the remains of garlic.

Jar with garlic oil

How to use the olive oil and garlic treatment

  • Take some of the olive oil and garlic mixture, and apply it to your legs with a gentle massage. It is important to use circular motions with your hands to experience relief.
  • Make continuous movements and press lightly with your fingertips on some areas to stimulate circulation.
  • Once you have spent several minutes performing the massage, you can stop and let the product act on the skin. It will not be fully absorbed, so you can leave it on for as long as you consider. There are those who leave it between 20-30 minutes and there are those who leave it longer.
  • It is not recommended that you go to sleep without showering, this is because the ointment is very oily and has a very strong aroma that, over time, can be unpleasant. Also, it can make clothes and sheets dirty.

    Some aspects to keep in mind

    You must combine the use of this natural product with daily exercise and a balanced diet. These habits not only improve circulatory health, but also reduce excess weight and inflammation, two factors that affect the health of the legs.

    If you think that the massages you give yourself at home are not working, it is best to consult with your doctor about other options to obtain relief. Under no circumstances try to apply more force when giving yourself massages or making sudden movements because this could be counterproductive.

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