Penguin Swims 8000 Kilometers A Year To Visit The One Who Saved His Life

Attachment between humans and pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.) is something that happens frequently. However, wild animals are also capable of attaching themselves to their rescuers and keepers. This has been the case with a Magellanic penguin.

The expressions of attachment can vary according to the species, but undoubtedly, all are touching and worthy of reflection. Therefore, below we will comment on the beautiful story that arose between a man from Brazil and a penguin.

In 2011, a retired man found an injured and distressed penguin. Without hesitation, she decided to help him and, from then on, created a bond that has impressed more than one.

Their relationship became known through social networks and various international media that mainly highlight the feeling of gratitude that the animal shows towards this man.

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The beginning of the story between the penguin and his savior


It all started on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. A retired man named Joao Pereira de Souza, who used to work as a bricklayer and fisherman, took a walk.

The man became restless when he noticed something strange between the rocks, so he approached. To his surprise, he came across this oil-covered and defenseless animal. It was a Magellanic penguin.

Seeing him, he did not hesitate to rescue him. He took it with care and brought it home to clean, care for and start his recovery process. Over time, he became so fond of the animal that he baptized it Dindim and, when he managed to regain health, he took it to the sea and set it free.


  • Like expert rescuers, this man took care of and watch over the penguin, with the intention of helping it return to its natural habitat.
  • Despite the affection he developed for Dindim, Joao did not regard him as a pet, but rather a friend whom he should help.
  • Both are an example of healthy attachment and true friendship. Therefore, his story will not fail to inspire many.

The farewell and the reunion of two friends

The day Joao Pereira decided to release his friend, he thought that perhaps he would never see him again. However, this did not cause him much regret, knowing that he had done the right thing and that the most important thing was, above all, to see his friend alive and well.

To his great surprise, a few months later, Dindim returned to the beach that brought them together and immediately recognized his savior. Since then, the animal spends about eight months with Pereira and then leaves for the coasts of Argentina and Chile to make its life.

According to the   Daily Mail , each year Dindim swims about 8,000 kilometers to return to his human friend, who designed a special diet to improve his endurance and strength. 

In an interview, the 71-year-old man stressed that the penguin does not allow itself to be touched by anyone else and that it receives the food it provides well. He also stressed that he was happy to have his friend with him for at least a few months a year.


Joao says that many have often told him that his friend will not return after returning to the sea. However, he is confident that it will. In fact, in the last four years it has arrived in June and does not leave until February.

Experts in this type of animals interviewed Joao Pereira de Souza and expressed their amazement at this beautiful story. They highlighted that the behavior of the penguin indicates that it recognizes Pereira as another penguin, and acts accordingly.

Joao says goodbye to his friend at sea, confident that he will return soon, as he has done for years. Without a doubt, it is another sign that animals are excellent friends and very grateful.

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