Reduce Blood Pressure Without Medication

Increased stress, conflict situations and a fast pace of life can cause metabolism uncontrolled.

According to the WHO, high blood pressure is the main risk factor for death as a consequence of a premature cardiovascular event.

It is also the second leading cause of disability in the world. It is good to know how to lower blood pressure and not damage the heart.

High blood pressure is a condition that requires great care since, if left untreated, it can trigger a major problem such as a heart attack. Conflicts in the cardiovascular system and even death. This health problem requires medical attention to be controlled.

Although there are also natural ways to have some control without using chemical medications. People who suffer from high blood pressure should be aware that they need to change their lifestyle.

Mainly maintaining a healthier lifestyle that helps them prevent, delay or control this problem. This time we are going to give you a series of recommendations that you can take into account to reduce blood pressure without the need to use medications .

Make your own low-sodium or salt-free meals

This is a top tip as salt contains a high percentage of sodium. This ingredient that we commonly use in cooking can cause fluid retention, and make the blood bulk, as this study published in Klinische Wochenschrift points out.

If this happens, the heart has to beat harder to move that excess volume through the body, causing high blood pressure. Keep in mind that salt is not only present in our kitchen or our table. It is also part of many foods that are sold in the market.

Avoid processed products and “junk food”

Processed foods and “junk food” have high amounts of sodium and trans fats among their ingredients. These types of foods are usually unhealthy and are loaded with a large number of chemicals that can affect the body in many ways.

If you have already been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is better to avoid consuming some products. Among them canned goods, sausage meats, dressings and sauces, or bakery products, among other processed foods. Diet is a very important factor when it comes to controlling blood pressure, as this article published in the  Annual Review of Nutrition shows .

Exercising regularly helps lower blood pressure

It is proven that exercising regularly, between 30 minutes and an hour, can reduce high blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), and the results are immediate. Exercise improves health in many ways and, in this case, it is key to controlling our metabolism, as this research from the journal  Medisan points out.

Physical activity serves as a prevention method and they are also highly recommended for those who suffer from this problem. It is essential to consult a medical specialist before starting a continuous routine. If possible, have the supervision of a coach to see if you have to restrict any type of exercise.

Positive contributions of natural foods

There are different natural remedies that can help control you with excellent results. To consume them it is important to consult your doctor, especially if you are already following some type of pharmacological treatment.

Some scientific studies indicate that blood pressure can be lowered with alternative medicine, but they are not enough to determine its 100% effectiveness. Among the products that can generate positive contributions we find:

  • Coenzyme Q10.
  • Omega-3.
  • Fish oil.
  • Garlic.
  • Curcumin (from turmeric).
  • Ginger.
  • Cayenne.
  • The olive oil.
  • The nuts.
  • Black cohosh racemosa.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Magnesium
  • Chromium.

Give up smoking

The stimulants in cigarettes can worsen the condition significantly, making the problem more complicated. This harmful habit can make people with high blood pressure worse.

As highlighted in this study, tobacco is a powerful factor that accelerates atherosclerosis and vascular damage caused by high blood pressure

It can also be responsible for causing them to suffer serious consequences on their cardiovascular health.  Quitting is not easy, but it is not impossible either. With a lot of will and some help it is possible to quit this bad habit.

Lose weight

People who are overweight or obese are overloading their hearts. This is probably causing them a pathological emphasis.  Having a balanced and healthy weight helps considerably to improve self-esteem.

On the other hand, it is key to reducing blood pressure and improving health. If this is your case, the ideal is to adopt healthier lifestyle habits or request professional help to achieve weight loss.

Decrease stress and anxiety

Although you are not very aware of this, the truth is that  stress and anxiety are precursors of this and other diseases. And so this article published in the Cuban Journal of Hygiene and Epidemiology points out.  On many occasions it is very difficult to control these types of emotions. We often have complications that lead to frequent stress and anxiety and distress problems.

However, there are several ways to treat them to lead a healthier lifestyle. Try to take time to rest, meditate, or do some kind of activity that brings you pleasure. These keys will help you deal with stress and thus it will not be a health problem.

Therefore, as we have explained in this space, having a balanced blood pressure should be essential, since it can lead to serious health problems. Try to put these simple tips into practice so that you can enjoy a good quality of life for many years to come.

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