Sandwich Cake

Are you looking for an easy dish to prepare, that serves as a starter and gives you the opportunity to use almost anything you have in the fridge or pantry? Then you can’t miss these different sandwich cake recipes. You will leave all the guests speechless and they will surely want to know your secret!

Sandwich Cake Recipe # 1

chiot's run whole wheat bread

It is ideal for cool summer days, to share on a picnic with the family, for a birthday or when you don’t feel like cooking. Its ingredients can be purchased in any market and the result will undoubtedly be liked by everyone. 


  • 1 package of white sliced ​​bread (you can buy it in a bakery or at the market)
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs
  • Pitted olives (50 g)
  • 1/2 lettuce
  • 2 cans of natural tuna (if they are in oil, they are well drained)
  • 1 bowl of mayonnaise (150 g) 
  • Chicken, cold cuts or ham (150 g)

Steps to follow for the sandwich cake:

  • First, place one of the mold loaves on a tray, which will be the base.
  • Then, in a bowl, put the cooked and finely chopped eggs, the julienned lettuce, the tuna, the chicken or ham, and the olives.
  • When everything is well mixed, spread half on top of the bread that makes the base and spread with mayonnaise.
  • Place the second sliced ​​bread and pour the other half of the filling on top, also smearing mayonnaise at the end (another idea is to spread the mayonnaise on the bread before placing it on the sandwich).
  • Now, it is time to put the third and last sliced ​​bread, that is, the lid.
  • Spread everything with mayonnaise so that the filling is not visible. You can also use cream.
  • Decorate with grated carrot, olives, cut egg, tomato, lettuce or whatever you like the most.
  • Refrigerate for at least two hours and remove only when serving.

Sandwich Cake Recipe # 2

This option is similar to the previous one, what changes are some of the ingredients. You will have this dish ready in less than half an hour and it is very simple.


  • 12 slices of sliced ​​bread without crust
  • 1 can of foie gras pate
  • Cooked ham (100 g)
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 can of bonito or tuna in oil
  • 1 terrine of Philadelphia type cheese
  • Mayonnaise (100 ml)
  • 100 grams of Roquefort cheese
  • pickles, capers and lettuce to taste, to decorate.

Steps to follow:

  • To start, place three slices of bread, one next to the other, and spread with pate (remember to keep it at room temperature to make it easier).
  • Next, chop the cooked ham and eggs and mix with two tablespoons of the Philadelphia type cheese . Pour on top of the pate.
  • Then, put three more slices of bread on top of that mixture, so you can make the second plant.
  • Spread Philadelphia cheese , and then, in a bowl, combine the bonito with the mayonnaise, and place everything on top.
  • Put  the next three slices of bread and place the Roquefort cheese mixed with a little Philadelphia cheese . (Remember to beat well so that no lumps form and it remains like a paste).
  • Cover with the last three slices of bread and cover everything with mayonnaise.
  • Garnish with pickles, capers, olives, lettuce, or whatever you like.
  • Lastly, put everything in the fridge for at least two hours and serve.

Sandwich Cake Recipe # 3


This variety of the recipe proposes to add the delicious and healthy mushrooms. It is lighter than the previous options and takes less time to prepare. 


  • 18 slices of sliced ​​bread without crust
  • Mayonnaise (as necessary) 
  • 1 can of mushrooms
  • 6 lettuce leaves
  • Smoked salmon (250 g)
  • 3 cans of tuna


  • First, place six slices of bread and spread with mayonnaise.
  • Next, spread the previously washed and drained lettuce leaves, cut well.
  • Add the mushrooms (another option is asparagus).
  • Then layer with six more slices of bread and spread again with the mayonnaise.
  • Put the shredded tuna and four sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs.
  • Place the last layer of sliced ​​bread, put the salmon slices and two chopped hard-boiled eggs.
  • Finally, refrigerate for three hours covered with film.

Have you tried these recipes yet? If you want to vary your snacks, do not forget to follow the steps to make them at home. Without a doubt, they will be one of your favorite options to satisfy hunger. Of course, moderate the portions so as not to exceed the calories.

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