Simplicity Makes An Ordinary Person An Exceptional Being

Simplicity is the language that comes from the heart that does not look for tricks of anything to be noticed. That language of soft and discreet touch, which does not pretend anything, it is just what it is. It is not about the lack of self-esteem or the devaluation of oneself to please others, but about the deep appreciation of the details to see beyond, and develop a greater humanity with both oneself and with others.

For this reason, there are those who consider that simplicity is also the will to respect others as much as oneself, without forcing, imposing or recriminating, much less judging from an illusion or claim of moral superiority.

On a day-to-day basis, we may not be used to behaving like this or receiving this type of treatment. People often have very high aspirations, high dreams and customs that are far removed from perhaps those purest and most elemental acts that define both simplicity and humility.

However, it is common that, little by little, our reality changes and with it, our vision and way of developing. Then, we may have to remove many “skins” to get closer to our true essence, cultivate our interior and find well-being in it.

Simplicity, that dimension that is difficult to assume

Simplicity implies acceptance, tranquility, respect, but above all: assertiveness and dignity. It has nothing to do with being better than others in any area, much less morally. Rather, it is about knowing how to relate to others in a healthy and assertive way, from balance and inner tranquility, without falling into behaviors that can cause deliberate damage, as opposed to an arrogant posture, haughtiness or arrogance.

Violet flowers.

Simplicity of thought

  • Simplicity of thought is not simplicity of reasoning. On the contrary: it is the ability to see things as they are, with full objectivity.
  • There are people who see the reality and the behaviors of others according to their beliefs. They dare to judge and label; on the other hand, simple-minded people have the ability to see things “as they are”, accepting them even if they do not share them. They live and let live. They are not interested in imposing themselves or standing out above anyone.
  • Something as simple as seeing things frankly and objectively allows us to act with greater poise and accuracy. That is a very healthy virtue that we should also take into account.

The gift of not feeling attached to anything

It is important to first define what we mean by attachment. Children, for example, need attachment to their parents to feel loved and secure.

  • Couples also need attachment to their partner, but a healthy, never toxic or controlling attachment.
  • For their part, simple people have the ability to not feel attached to the physical. That is, they do not need to have more than what is already around them. They do not need to be attached to anyone to the point of taking away their freedom, their identity.
  • Simple people “are as they are” and above all “they let be”. They do not want to impose their ideas, they do not judge, they do not discriminate or seek to control.

The union with oneself to enjoy the environment and its people

Knowing oneself, the fears that define us, the virtues and limits are the most powerful ways to self-acceptance.

  • Self-acceptance is the first step to exercising positive and enriching relationships.
  • Who accepts himself accepts others. So you don’t wait for others to fill your gaps, raise your self-esteem, or bring you joy when your fears assail you.
  • Humble people do not expect anything from anyone, they expect everything from themselves.  This is how you can offer the best to others, avoiding disappointment.

The path to simplicity

It is common that, in a moment, throughout our life, we take that step towards humility. We do it because we feel overwhelmed by a competitive and fast-paced world that takes us away from the most important things: well-being, calm, serenity, friends, family and, of course, ourselves.

  • Something as essential as remembering that “less is more” can help us prioritize what can make us happy.
  • Be careful, this does not mean that the value of financial stability or material assets is underestimated, but simply that they are given a secondary place in the list of priorities.
  • Simple acts are those that have authenticity of feeling and purity of heart. For example, the aroma of fresh coffee in the morning, a homemade meal made with love by a loved one, the caress of a loved one, the laughter of children, a conversation with friends, a walk on the beach, the forest or the historic center of a city that captivates us in body and soul.

Surely, around you, you have more than one person with a simple and exceptional soul that enriches your life. Do not lose it, they are lights in the thick of this modernity, sometimes too complex. They are beacons of emotional richness and humility that illuminate the trails. They are worth imitating.

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