Sore Throat? Fight It By Following These Tips

Although we do not relate it, rest is essential to promote the healing of a sore throat, especially in case of infection or overexertion. Also avoid straining your voice.

A sore throat is an uncomfortable symptom that usually appears when an infection occurs in the respiratory tract or tonsils.

It is a nuisance that can affect anyone, causing, among other things, irritation and problems swallowing food.

Most of the time it is not a serious problem and it heals in a few days. However, sometimes it can present complications, requiring the intervention of a doctor.

Today there are many pharmacological and natural treatments that can help minimize it. Despite this, it is advisable to follow other tips to accelerate your recovery.

This time we have compiled the most important ones so that you do not hesitate to put them into practice when you face this problem.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate your throat

drinking water

To control the irritation suffered by the throat it is important to increase the consumption of water. This vital fluid lubricates the area and helps accelerate the recovery of the affected tissues.

  • Since the cold can worsen the condition, it is best to consume it warm.
  • Taking between 6 and 8 glasses a day, in small sips, is very beneficial.

Gargle with salt water

A simple combination of salt water can be enough to disinfect the mouth and throat. This solution stops the proliferation of bacteria and helps reduce inflammation.

  • Dissolve some salt in warm water and gargle for 2 minutes, 3 times a day.

Take chicken broth


Chicken broth is one of the classic remedies for diseases that affect respiratory health. Its nutrients strengthen the immune system and increase defenses against microorganisms

It is ideal for managing chronic episodes of coughing and congestion. Thanks to this, it is also a good remedy for a sore throat.

  • Consume a cup of chicken broth a day in case of colds or infections.

Avoid cigarettes

The toxins in cigarettes dry out the throat and irritate its tissues. Smoking during a respiratory infection is common to have more severe symptoms.

  • It is essential to avoid contact with tobacco, that is, you should not smoke or breathe its smoke.

Rest the necessary

To rest

If the sore throat appears due to an infection or overexertion, it is essential to rest as long as necessary. Putting it under more effort prolongs the healing period.

  • Therefore, it is best to relax your throat and take adequate rest.
  • Avoid singing loudly, yelling, and exercising your vocal cords.

Control the humidity of the environment

There are some simple measures that can help control the humidity of the environment so that the throat does not become dry. While it is easy to miss, this may be the cause of the pain sensation.

  • Putting a humidifier in the room and avoiding turning on the air conditioner helps to maintain a proper climate.

Make a tea

Relaxing infusions

There are several types of teas or infusions that have properties to control infections and pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties relax the throat and speed up the recovery period.

  • Herbal teas such as chamomile, mint, or ginger are ideal.

Eat apple cider vinegar

The organic acids in apple cider vinegar help regulate the pH of the throat to prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

  • It is best to dilute it in water to facilitate its consumption.

Eat a raw garlic clove

garlic cloves

It is not necessary to experience a sore throat to take advantage of the properties of garlic. This ingredient is a natural antibiotic that helps protect the body against various types of infections.

This means that, taken regularly, it is a good supplement to prevent those diseases that cause irritation in this area.

  • It is recommended to consume a raw garlic clove on an empty stomach.

Eat honey from bees

Due to its moisturizing, healing and anti-inflammatory properties, honey  is one of the best solutions for throat problems.

It is recommended for the treatment of infections, or for that pain that occurs due to excess dryness.

  • The ideal is to consume 3 or 4 tablespoons a day, until the discomfort subsides.

Follow these simple recommendations and relieve that annoying pain. If after several days you do not notice an improvement, consult your doctor.

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