Strawberry Diet To Lose Weight: Myth Or Reality?

If you care about having a few extra kilos, you can use the strawberry  diet to lose weight , to purify and detoxify your body . There are several ways to carry out this diet. However, it is a restrictive model that is not highly recommended. The most appropriate thing is that you put yourself in the hands of a professional.

We are going to tell you what the strawberry diet consists of and what can be achieved with this method. Remember that variety is one of the basic pillars of a balanced diet, and that altering this principle in a chronic way can put health at risk.

Strawberry diet to lose weight

If you need to lose one or two kilos, the strawberry diet to lose weight will help you. This eating plan includes strawberries as the only food, divided into five meals – about 400 grams at each meal -. You can only do it for three days, and you should not exceed this time, because it is a diet poor in nutrients.

Strawberry and other fruits diet model

You can use strawberries combined with other fruits spread over five meals, for four days and without exceeding this time -300 grams of strawberries + another fruit-; it will help to lose weight and detoxify the body. Due to its fiber content, it slows gastric emptying, so it helps you feel less hungry, and is very useful if you suffer from constipation.

Although the contribution of fiber has proven to be beneficial in avoiding intestinal problems, the strawberry diet has detractors for being excessively restrictive. The protein intake is very poor, as is that of lipids. On the other hand, a large amount of simple sugars are being introduced into the body.

We present a model based on the strawberry diet:

  • Breakfast – 400 grams of strawberries + vegetable milk or yogurt + oatmeal
  • Mid-morning – 350 grams of strawberries
  • Food – Vegetable stew or Vegetable soup + Chicken breast or hake fillet +300 grams of strawberries.
  • Mid afternoon – 350 grams of strawberries
  • Dinner – 450 grams of strawberries + skimmed yogurt

By introducing chicken and some dairy, you ensure a higher protein and lipid intake. In addition, the presence of certain minerals such as iron, essential to prevent anemia , is also increased according to a study published in the journal The Medical Clinics of North America.

You can take all the water you want outside of meals and unsweetened herbal teas. It is also beneficial to include coffee or tea, as caffeine will stimulate the oxidation of lipids.

Although each person is different, you can lose 2-3 kilos after a few days of dieting; however, most of this loss will correspond to a depletion of glycogen and fluid, as well as muscle mass, which is not beneficial. Keep in mind that a high value for lean mass is related to a better state of health.

Healthy people who do not suffer from any disease can benefit from the diet , with the exception of people with allergies to strawberries or salicylic acid; neither do those who suffer from kidney stones, colitis or intestinal diseases. However, it must be emphasized that experts do not recommend this restrictive eating plan.

Effective weight loss models

Satisfying diet to lose weight without starving.

If your goal is to reduce the amount of fat in the body, you can opt for other models that are much more suitable than the strawberry diet. An example of them would be intermittent fasting. Also reducing the presence of carbohydrates in the diet is effective.

We must not forget the importance of restricting unhealthy foods such as ultra-processed, or toxic such as alcohol. In this way , a lot of empty calories will be eliminated and the contribution of substances capable of increasing the risk of disease in the medium and long term will be reduced.

The ideal when considering weight loss is to have the help of a nutrition professional, to avoid putting health at risk with miracle diets that are not adequate for the functioning of the body. Also, always remember to ensure adequate fluid intake.

The strawberry diet, a poorly recommended model

Strawberries have very few calories and no fat. They have high amounts of fiber which helps to have a good digestion and regulate cholesterol. Its vitamin content makes it possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive and antiproliferative properties, as shown in a study published in Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. They also provide the daily needs of vitamin B6 and K, and minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium, and copper.

Strawberries help reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke. They are a food that must be included in the diet, but proposing a diet based on the exclusive consumption of them is not appropriate.

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