Tell Me What Hurts You And I Will Tell You What Problem You Have

The body is wise and knows when to send us signals that we must stop and take care of ourselves in order to solve a problem.

Did you know that the problem that you most resist tackling ends up somatizing in the body? As the proverb says: the body screams when your mouth is silent, when your mind closes in a band so as not to look at the face of what you fear or discomfort most. The more you continue to ignore it, the body will continue to send you signals that tell you that there is something inside you that you need to heal.

The pain will change, but its origin is the same

To better understand what it means to silence a concern or discomfort, let’s look at an example with a fictional character.

Ana is a woman who, since her first relationship began, always re-engaged with each other to avoid being alone. From his third relationship, he began to show symptoms of anxiety. These started with a headache, a lump in the throat, but later they became more so, so he got eczema and even dermatitis. In short, he somatized his problem.

Girl touching her hair overwhelmed.

It seemed that Ana’s physical symptoms came on suddenly and without a trigger that she could identify in the first place. In fact, she thought that perhaps those annoyances were a product of family inheritance or the stress of work. However, none of this was causing the symptoms.

It wasn’t until she found herself in a relationship that really urged her to be alone that she began to delve into herself. It was then that she realized that her body was manifesting the problem of emotional dependence that she had and that she did not seem to see.

When you feel constant pain, fear of losing and live with suffering, the body will alert us in different ways –through symptoms– to make us change our way of proceeding in different scenarios, all with the aim of protecting ourselves. 

Discover: Can the brain feel pain?

Every part of the body will have a lot to say

Depending on where the pain is somatized, it will be alerting us to one thing or another. The important thing is that you know that the answer to that pain is within you. You just have to listen to your body, observe your life, reflect and draw the relevant conclusions.

However, if you find yourself very lost and want to know a small guide based on popular wisdom, here are some manifestations in the body that may reflect the problem you have:

  • Throat discomfort: there are things you have to say, but suppress.
  • Flu: there is something in your life that you dislike and thus you release the fatigue before that problem.
  • Ankle pain: represents the resistance you have in your life.
  • Stomach upset: difficulty living and digesting situations.
  • Back problems: lack of support or carrying things that do not belong to you.
  • Thigh pain: You worry about what others expect of you.
  • Migraines or headaches: they appear when you have doubts.
  • High Blood Pressure – Fear is cornering you.

Take care of your mind to face problems

The mind is powerful, although it is often neglected. This can have serious long-term health consequences. A flu can be just that, but it may also be communicating that something is happening inside you and that you need to heal.

In the mind is where the worst storms are brewing, where ruminant thoughts do their best job: causing anxiety, disconnecting you from the present and making you suffer a lot.

Storm clouds symbolizing the restless mind.

If you think you have trouble managing your thoughts and emotions, consider going to a psychologist. The professional will help you identify the problem and empower you so that you can solve it and feel better.

Don’t worry, it is normal that sometimes you do not have the necessary tools to put order in that maelstrom of thoughts and beliefs that cause so many difficulties in various areas of your life.

When this is the case, it is time not to sacrifice your well-being and to ask for help if you need it. Having a healthy mind is very important to be happy.

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