The Alkaline Diet: This Is What You Should Know

The alkaline diet is setting a trend. What is real about this diet? Can we totally trust her? The controversy over this eating pattern is in full swing. There are those who attribute almost magical properties to it, such as being able to cure diseases such as cancer .

However, the issue does not seem entirely clear. That is why here we explain everything you need to know. Keep in mind that the arguments that support it are not solid and that it is best to ask a professional before starting such a plan.

What is the alkaline diet?

PH scale with food

To understand this diet we must first understand how the body’s pH works. The potential for hydrogen ions is called pH, which is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, and is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of the internal environment or a solution.

  • 0 to 7 is acidic.
  • 7 is neutral.
  • 7 to 14 is basic or alkaline.

The alkaline diet  is based on the theory that diseases develop in an acidic environment  (that is, with a low pH) and that, therefore, to prevent them, it is advisable to “alkalize” the body, that is, to increase its pH . And he maintains that this can be achieved through food.

How does the alkaline diet work?

The hypothesis under this diet says that food changes the pH of body fluids. That is, it changes the acidity or basicity of blood, urine and all body fluids. As some diet promoting physiologists explain, a slightly alkaline environment could be beneficial to the body.

However, the scientific literature confirms that this is not possible. An article published in the journal “Osteoporosis International” affirms that it is not possible to vary the acid-base balance of the blood, it remains practically unchanged.

The alkaline diet therefore excludes foods such as dairy, meat, poultry, fish, eggs and cereals. Foods that, according to the diet, produce “acid ash”. It does allow you to eat fruits and vegetables, except blueberries and plums.

What does science say about this diet?

We are going to explain the main position of science regarding the implementation of an alkaline diet.

1. Relationship with cancer

Cancer cell recreation

Despite the promotion of the alkaline diet, there is only one observational study that has analyzed its possible relationship with the prevention and treatment of cancer. However, e ste study finds no link between this type of diet and cancer.

Given the lack of studies that endorse or reject the ideas behind the alkaline diet, it must be concluded that they lack scientific basis. In this context, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) concludes that  the alkaline diet is not recommended.

2. Relationship with osteoporosis and bone health

The diet also promises benefits in relation to bone health. According to the theory of the alkaline diet, to reduce the acidity of the blood (which, as we have already seen, is not possible) the body makes use of calcium from the bones, so acidic food is related to less calcium and higher osteoporosis.

However, in this study published in 2009, it is concluded that, although consuming more protein does increase calcium excretion, it did not come from the bones, since there were no changes in the global balance of calcium in the organism. For this reason, following an acidic diet does not promote lower bone density.

On the other hand, it has not been possible to conclude that this kind of diet generates any type of protection at the kidney level, as observed in an article published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition.

The alkaline diet does not improve the state of health

Woman eating salad

The body is extremely efficient at regulating blood pH, as we would have serious problems if it did not. In this way, it is not possible to alter the blood pH by means of an alkaline diet , although the urinary pH can. The alkaline diet, although it promulgates the consumption of certain beneficial foods such as greens and vegetables,  has no scientific evidence behind it to support certain claims.

Certain restricted food groups in this type of diet also offer many benefits, so they should not be excluded from a healthy eating style. Finally, we must bear in mind that when faced with this type of miracle diet, we must always bear in mind that if something seems too beautiful to be true, it is probably a lie.

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