The Best Tricks To Pick Up Broken Glass Very Well

Broken glass can be very dangerous. When they burst, they leave small pieces very difficult to detect that can end up digging into the skin. For this reason, cleaning becomes a complicated and somewhat tedious task.

There are some very valuable and useful tricks to collect those small pieces of glass. Get to know them all to put them into practice the next time you have an accident at home.

Tricks to clean the pieces of broken glass

Once we remove the largest and most visible pieces, we usually use the broom to remove the rest. Even so, there are usually remains in the corners or in places that are more difficult to access. These are the ones that can endanger our children or pets. 

Remove small remains with soft bread

Remove the large pieces, and sweep the floor. Next, cut a slice of soft bread and lay it on the surface. Go over the entire floor as many times as you need, the small pieces will stick to the crumb. When finished, throw the bread away.

Scotch tape

Use masking tape to clean broken glass

Using the broom, or vacuuming, is not always enough to remove the smallest crystals. Another trick you can use is to cut pieces of  duct tape and stick it on the floor to collect the pieces that you can’t see.

Bar of soap

The bar of soap works the same as the slice of bread, although it can be more expensive. You can also use a damp piece of absorbent paper instead  . Be careful not to let the broken glass penetrate the paper and cut you!

Carpet cleaning

The first thing is to vacuum everything you can. If you can move the carpet, take it  outside and shake it in a remote place. If you can’t get it out, keep sucking without losing your patience.

The importance of recycling glass

Broken glass can also be recycled

When we talk about recycling we have to always keep in mind “the three Rs”.

  • Reduce : It is very important to reduce our garbage, in general. Glass does not degrade, so it helps you not to buy a lot of plastic packaging that gets worse over time.
  • Reuse : Glass is a very hard material, we can reuse our jars for different products and, in the end, turn them into decorative items.
  • Recycle : It is the last process, in which the materials reach the factories, are destroyed and become useful products for our lives.

From now on you will not have to fear finding broken glass at home. With these tricks you will protect your family and your pet from possible cuts. Of course, do not forget to  always warn that something has broken so that you do not walk barefoot in that area for a while.

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