The Expiration Dates Of 7 Everyday Objects

Although we do not always know it, there are many everyday objects that have an expiration date and, therefore, must be renewed periodically to avoid inconveniences such as an infection, for example.

An item’s expiration date marks the end of a product’s optimal usage time. Therefore, manufacturers are obliged to indicate it on the packaging. From that end, it is no longer safe for the user’s health.

7 everyday objects and their expiration dates

1. The pillows

If you notice that your pillow no longer provides the rest that it did in the past, perhaps it is because it has expired. Yes, this is one of the most important everyday objects on this list, since it is related to sleep, but there is a large part of the population that does not know that it expires.

The pillows are made up of a filling that is capable of being kept in perfect condition for two to three years. After this time it becomes the nest for mites and dust, it also loses its shape and this has dire consequences for the neck.

2. Sponge and bath flower

Bath sponges

Another of the everyday objects that have an expiration date are the sponge and the bath flower. The sponges have an optimal useful life of about 2 months (and the loofah 3), in the case of the bath flower they have nothing less than a resistance of up to 6 months.

If they are not wrung out and placed in a place where they can dry well, these types of objects can end up accumulating fungi and bacteria. They should also be disinfected regularly while in use by placing them in boiling water.

3. Toothbrush

Another everyday item whose expiration date is often ignored is the toothbrush. After 3 months, it is not recommended to continue using it. One of the signs that it is time to change it is deformed bristles.

It should also be changed after every cold.  So the ideal is that you have about four toothbrushes throughout the year and, if you have fallen into a bad cold or flu, change it as soon as you get better.

4. Colonies and perfumes


Both the perfume and the cologne have a shelf life of 1 to 3 years. They are made up of essential oils. If they are unopened, they can be kept for up to 3 years (2 if the bottles in question have been opened).

With regard to eau de toilette, it can last up to 4 years closed and 2 years if it is already open. 

5. Bottles and pacifiers

Bottles and pacifiers have latex nipples and this material expires after a certain time. Specifically between 2 and 5 weeks.

In the case of bottles, the nipple must be changed for a new one after this regulatory time has passed. And it is the latex that cracks and it is precisely at that point where the microbes gather, making it a nest of bacteria for the baby.

6. Spices and flour

Both spices and flour also have an expiration date, therefore, over time it is evident that they lose their flavor and aroma. In the case of spices, this date can vary from 1 to 3 years. And, in the case of the ground ones, 6 months.

As for flour, the expiration date ranges between 6 and 12 months. Depending on the type of flour, the period will be one or the other, so it is best to also find out what you put in the container. It must be well indicated by the manufacturer.

7. Disinfectant products

Surface disinfectant

Disinfectant products intended for the home have an expiration date of around 3 months, although it may seem longer. Often we left in the cupboard, but the truth is that after that time, s u efficiency decreases gradually until it eventually disappears.

To consider

To avoid accumulating expired products at home, having used them or not, the best solution is not to buy in excess and use only what is really needed. And with regard to other everyday objects (related to personal hygiene), the most prudent thing is to change them periodically.

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