The Red Rice Cleansing Diet

The red rice cleansing diet will allow you to eliminate excess weight, cholesterol and triglycerides without starving and without great effort.

Red brown rice is a little-known but highly nutritious variety, which contains a large amount of nutrients and fiber. The cleansing diet of red rice will allow you to be healthier and lose weight.

This rice owes its color and properties to the fact that it maintains the skin that surrounds the grain. In this article we explain how you can do the diet that will allow you to eliminate excess weight, cholesterol and triglycerides without starving and without great effort.

Red rice benefits

Red rice for cleansing diet

Studies have shown that red rice helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, it has other benefits for our health:

  • It is rich in fiber.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels.
  • It is an antioxidant.
  • It contains vitamin B6 and minerals such as iron, manganese or zinc.

Advantages of the cleansing diet of red rice

  • The red rice cleansing diet is not a diet to be carried out continuously for more than three days. It is, on the contrary, a specific cleaning of our body that helps us to compensate for the excesses of the day to day.
  • Red brown rice is a very satiating food, so we will avoid starving during the diet. We may have cravings for other things, but that has nothing to do with hunger.
  • The body, and specifically the stomach, deflate easily with this diet, since the digestive process is greatly facilitated.
  • With this diet we will lose some weight but we will have to continue taking care of the diet later so as not to regain it easily.
  • Constipation is fought without the need to take supplements or laxatives, thanks to the fiber in rice.
  • The elimination of toxins through feces, urine, sweat, etc. is facilitated. and the body has the ability to get rid of substances that poison it.
  • The body also eliminates excess mucus, improving chronic conditions such as sinusitis. We may notice relief or improvement from our chronic illnesses or pain.

How do we carry out the purifying diet of red rice?

If the doctor has given us permission, for three days we will exclusively consume ingredients from the diet. There are people who do this diet for a longer time or to treat certain diseases, but in those cases we would recommend that it always be done under professional supervision. For the diet we will need:

  • Brown rice, preferably organic.
  • Gomasio, which is roasted and ground sesame with sea salt.
  • Apples These are optional or for cases in which you suffer from gastric hyperacidity.

Gomasio: necessary complement in the cleansing diet of red rice

Gomasio for the purifying diet of red rice

The gomasio is, as indicated previously, toasted and ground sesame with sea salt. It is a traditional food of Asian cuisine with many properties.  It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium.

  • It is very nutritious and provides energy.
  • Facilitates digestion.
  • It has diuretic effects.
  • It is alkalizing.
  • It is cardioprotective.

We can buy it already prepared or prepare it at home ourselves. To do it at home we must follow these instructions:


  • 20 teaspoons of raw sesame seeds (50 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt (5 g).


  • We will toast the raw sesame seeds in the pan, making sure they do not burn.
  • We will also add a teaspoon of sea salt to the pan.
  • Later we will crush them in a mortar or we will crush them in a grinder.
  • We will keep it in a tightly closed glass jar. Salt will also work as a natural preservative.

How to make red rice


  • 3 cups of red brown rice (750 g).
  • Gomasio.
  • 6 cups of water (1 ½ lt).


  • We will wash the rice before cooking it.
  • Red brown rice needs to be boiled longer than white, as it is tougher. We will cook it for approximately 40 minutes, in the ratio of one measure of rice to two of water.
  • You do not have to add oil, salt, or any other type of seasoning other than gomasio.


  • Every day we will consume 250 grams of the rice flavored with gomasio, divided all into four meals throughout the day.
  • For the cleansing diet of red rice it  is essential that we chew each tablespoon about 80 times,  until we notice that the food is almost liquid. This is one of the keys to the success of this diet, so we must be rigorous in complying with it.
  • In case of gastric hyperacidity or having a great need to eat something raw, we can eat up to three apples a day, organic and with their skin, chewing them in the same way.
  • The days before and after the diet we will eat mainly vegetables, fruits, legumes and brown rice.

Now that you know the great benefits of red rice, go ahead and follow this diet and improve your health. Of course, you should not exceed the indicated days.

If after doing the red rice cleansing diet, you still have high levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, or you want to lose weight, visit your doctor. He will tell you if you can continue with the diet or need another treatment.

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