Tips For Living Here And Now

The present is a beautiful gift that life gives us. Put the past and the future aside for a moment. Learn to live here and now.

The present is a beautiful gift that life gives us. The downside is that we don’t always know how to appreciate and enjoy it. Therefore, in the following article we will give you some tips to focus on living in the here and now.

Living in the present is a great way to remove anguish and anxiety. Thus, those who spend their days longing for the past only get depression. And those who only think about tomorrow feel more nervous than the rest.

Here and now: Today is all we have

The best way to avoid heartbreak and anxiety is to focus on living in the here and now. To be happy with what we have today without comparing it with what we had last year or with what we could count on next.

But beware that living in the present does not mean putting aside projects or spending all the money as if it were the “end of the world”. It has more to do with the way we enjoy what we have (be it people or goods), without looking in another direction.

If you continually think about the past, you will only have memories and longings that take away your happiness. If your thoughts turn to the future (near or far), you will be missing the little good things in life.

Believe it or not, the people who manage to live here and now are more relaxed and calm because their “worries” are solved right away. In addition, they are more optimistic and grateful because they know how to look at what they have and are not mortified thinking about what they lack. Either because they have had it in the past or because they might get it in the future.

Tips for living here and now

The past, as its name implies, has already happened. The future is uncertain. The only thing we have for sure is the present. Why don’t we take advantage of it? The here and now are what really matter. The rest generates mixed feelings. To live today follow these tips:

1. Forget the past

With one big caveat: do not delete everything but only what does not serve you. The rest you can keep in a corner of your mind to use when you need it. Also, do not forget that the past can serve as a lesson for the present. If you made a mistake yesterday, it would be best not to make the same mistake today.

On the other hand, if it is allowed to remember the positive past as long as it does not make us feel unhappy. Looking at vacation pictures can be rewarding. However, it can also be depressing because what you had is gone.

On the other hand, if you remember a trip and all the experiences you have lived, in addition to the things you have learned, you will have something positive. Because maybe you can put those lessons into practice in your everyday life.

2. Don’t fear the future

Living in the here and now must also be nurtured with the necessary thinking about the future, as we cannot build anything without planning. But be careful, since many people are afraid of tomorrow and that causes them anxiety, anguish or depression.

If we wait for something to happen and do nothing to change, what we do not like will make us unhappy. We will not have the possibility to enjoy the present. When the desire for something is so strong, it does not allow us to look in any direction other than forward, which can lead to greater negative emotions.

It is common to say “when I get married, I will do that”, “when I have children …”, “when I buy a house …”, “when I have that job …”. Those conditionals put too much pressure on us to be happy with what we have now.

3. Be grateful for what you have

Be grateful for what you have to live here and now

An exercise that can be of great help consists of the following: every night before going to sleep, take a paper and a pen and write down everything to be thankful for on that day. They do not have to be very important things, but small details that have made you smile or feel at ease.

For example, get to the office early and have a coffee before starting your tasks. Or receive a message from a friend you haven’t seen for a long time. Maybe watch a video of a puppy that has been rescued. Perhaps dinner has been delicious.

Think that you are luckier than millions of people around the world. That does not mean that you are satisfied, but that you know how to appreciate those “winks” that life gives you.

4. Don’t plan everything

Do not plan everything to achieve living here and now

It is good to have order and to be organized, but we also deserve to enjoy things and especially the process. An excellent example of this is planning a wedding. The months leading up to it are all arguing, crying, and trouble. Although it is true that it is a somewhat stressful task, it should be a time to bond.

They would have to go through that situation thinking that they are making a dream come true, that they are celebrating their love or their next step in the relationship. Not only mark the date of the party on the calendar, you have to enjoy each day that the organization lasts.

Enjoy the tour until you reach the goal that you have reached. Life is not always arriving at a destination, but being able to appreciate the landscape of the way.

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