Tips To Be Healthy On A Psycho-emotional Level

Many times we think that taking care of health is just about eating well and exercising. However, there are other ways to feel good and achieve a comprehensive life. Here are some tips for you to learn to be healthy on a psycho-emotional and physical level at all times.

Being healthy physically, mentally and emotionally is possible

This is not a utopia. We can be healthy in all areas of our life: physical, psychological and emotional. By working on one, the other complements itself. There is no quarrel in this regard. It all adds up!

There are a large number of positive habits and beneficial activities that not only serve one of these areas but also affect all areas of our lives. Thanks to this, it is much easier both to  achieve integral development  and a true feeling of well-being.

1. Stay active

Keep active

Exercising daily not only helps the body but also the mind. You don’t have to go to the gym or do weight training. Nor is it about running a marathon. Taking a walk outside for 30 minutes may be more than enough.

In addition, the fact of alternating daily activity routines allows the body to get rid of toxins and tensions and, therefore, these do not accumulate in the body.

On the emotional level, exercise is an excellent therapy for when we are sad, depressed or stressed because it helps to drain all accumulated negativity.

2. Listen to the body and mind

Pay attention to the signals that the organism gives you since they are called for attention. Believe it or not, your body may be crying out for you to take better care of it.

Observe the bodily signs and do not underestimate them. If something hurts: treat it, if you don’t like a meal: stop eating it, if you can’t concentrate: sleep a little more, if you’ve gained a lot of weight: watch your diet, and so on.

It is essential to be aware of emotions to be healthy in all areas. Analyze what you feel. For example, ask yourself what makes you sad, angry, frustrated, or angry, what amuses you, rejoices, or fills you with energy.

3. Eat better

Eat better

It is very important that you eat a balanced diet if you want to be healthy physically but also if you want to feel good emotionally and mentally. As you have read, food can improve our mood, depress us, comfort us or make us feel guilty.

Enjoying a chocolate from time to time is recommended because its compounds release endorphins (one of the hormones that provides happiness).

However, junk food eaten daily has the power to depress you and reduce energy (so you don’t want to exercise or any other activity other than sleeping after eating).

4. Find a motivation

Have you ever stopped to think: what is it that inspires you? What keeps you going? Motivation is something worth stopping to think about when we want to achieve holistic well-being.

Your motivation can be your career, your dreams, your family, a friendship, your partner or any other element that you consider important. Regardless of the engine that leads you to action and progress, you must take care of it in order to be healthy on a physical and psycho-emotional level.

On the other hand, it is necessary to take care of self-esteem  so as not to lose motivation. Love yourself, accept yourself and work to achieve your goals. That is a great way to be healthy in every way.

5. Express feelings

expressing what we feel helps us to be healthy

Not giving expression to our inner world can become a great burden on our back. Human beings need to express our thoughts and emotions to be able to resolve tensions of all kinds, interact, strengthen ties, and even know ourselves better.

The expression of the inner world also includes saying what you don’t like and what you would like to change. Remember that hiding what we feel can have negative consequences in our relationships and can lead the body to somatize discomfort.

6. Sleep

To be healthy on a physical and psycho-emotional level,  the quality of sleep is essential. The number of hours will depend on each person but it is estimated that the minimum is 6 and the maximum should be 8 hours, without interruption.

We also recommend that you follow a sleep routine that includes getting up and going to bed always at the same time. 

7. Manage stress

a lot of stress keeps us from being healthy

It is vitally important to prevent stress from overtaking us. Those situations that we should least promote in our life.

This may seem very easy to say but not so simple to do. However, you have to try. For this, there are different techniques at our disposal. It’s all about being proactive and focusing on finding and applying the solutions.

The most popular and recommended stress relief techniques are meditation and yoga. However, a warm shower, a pleasant infusion, or even dancing can help to clear us up.

At any time of the day you can say NO to stress. It’s just a matter of stopping everything you’re doing, closing your eyes, and taking a deep breath through your nose.

If at the office you feel like you can’t get over your nerves, go out for a while. Take a walk in the park or change the air for a few minutes. This will instantly improve your mood and keep any damage to the body at bay.

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