Tips To Detoxify The Body

Harassed by lack of time and obligations, we often turn to fast, processed or refined foods, with the consequent intake of fats or preservative chemicals. However, these are not the only toxins we assimilate, also those found in the environment such as cigarette smoke, contaminated water, chemicals and heavy metals. How do you know if you need to detoxify the body?

Tiredness, heaviness, intestinal problems, high blood pressure, headaches, bags under the eyes, obesity, lack of energy, bad mood or depression and stress, are alerts that unequivocally indicate the need to start a detoxifying diet. But which one to follow?

Tips before proceeding to detoxify the body

Before adopting a plan to detoxify the body, it is convenient to put into practice a series of habits that allow the body to prepare for this process. Thus, after starting the detoxification, the body is “driven” to eliminate toxins.

Now, it must be taken into account that the recommendations may vary according to the age and conditions of each one. These processes should be avoided in case of illness. 

  • Drink a minimum of one and a half to two liters of water per day
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and sodas.
  • Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts.
  • Try to keep your salt intake to a minimum. If you are going to use it, add it in a small quantity, once the food is cooked and test to see if it is enough.
  • Reduce the intake of red meat, prefer lean cuts, white meat and seafood.
  • Do not fry the food, bake it with a touch of oil in the bottom of the pan or pan.
  • Chew your food well until it turns into a paste.
  • Eliminate processed sugar.
  • Incorporate foods rich in natural fibers
  • It is best to eat fruits and vegetables in season and in a wide variety mixing colors, this will make you incorporate a greater variety of vitamins.
  • To detoxify the body, it is better to steam rather than boil.
  • Learn to cook sauces with little or no oil
  • Opt for oil rich in omega 3 like olive oil. Do not use it for frying, add it to sauces and ready-made salads. He prefers to use it raw rather than cooked.

Foods that help clean the intestine

detoxify the body

Add high fiber foods such as green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach, broccoli), raw or steamed if possible; lettuce; citrus and prunes; granola, nuts, and cereals like oatmeal. Also certain herbs or foods such as:

  • Psyllium or Psilio: from this plant both its seeds and their peel are used. Relieves constipation, as it is a mild laxative. Place between 3 and 5 grams of peel (or 7 grams of its seeds) in at least ¼ liter of water.
  • Cascara Sagrada: It is obtained from the bark of the Rhamnus purshiana tree and is used as a laxative. It should be consumed in small quantities.
  • Garlic : traditional antiseptic, detoxifies the intestine. It can work both as a laxative and as a purifier of intestinal parasites.

Foods and herbs to detoxify the liver

  • Boldo tea , milk thistle, dandelion, rhubarb, chicory and barberry: stimulate bile production and protect the liver, in addition to helping with digestion
  • Artichoke : helps the liver, breaking down fats
  • Beetroot : cleanses the liver and purifies the blood
  • Crucifers (such as broccoli, kale, etc.): neutralize the effects of cigarette smoke and help in the liver detoxification process
  • Milk thistle: ancient hepatoprotective
  • Red clover: removes toxins from the liver and kidneys
  • Dandelion root : stimulates the elimination of toxins from the liver

Other powerful detoxifiers


  • Carrots : detoxify the body of heavy metals, like grapefruits
  • Lemon : the star of detoxification
  • Onions : cleanse the respiratory system
  • Spirulina : hepatoprotective algae, detoxifies the body of heavy metals and benefits the kidneys
  • Green tea : due to its polyphenols, it is considered a powerful antioxidant, prevents cancer and strengthens the immune system

Detoxify the body: final comments

As a last tip, before starting a diet to detoxify the body, visit a dietitian, nutritionist or endocrinologist, the only professional indicated to assess your needs and develop a personalized and balanced diet. He will also know how to evaluate your particular characteristics in order to advise you on the best physical activity for you, according to your age and current physical condition.

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