Treatment Of Tympanosclerosis

The tympanosclerosis is one of many conditions that can cause severe ear problems for the patient who suffers. It is a disease that develops from an ear infection. It takes place in a similar way to otitis, for example. In general, it is usually a sequel to these types of conditions; that is, it corresponds to the most advanced stage of these.

When tympanosclerosis occurs, whitish patches are seen on the tympanic membrane. These usually block the chain of ossicles, which prevents the correct transmission of sound.

Tympanonosclerosis is treated with antibiotics, although it may be necessary, sometimes, even to perform surgery. Do you want to know more about it? Then do not stop reading what we are going to share with you next.

Tympanosclerosis symptoms

The symptoms suffered by people with tympanosclerosis are very similar to those with otitis. The main sign is a sharp and intense pain that can be accompanied by the sensation of plugging.

As the symptoms are very similar to those of otitis, the patient is not able to determine well if he is suffering from that infection or the disease we are talking about.

Woman with earache from street noise.

Performing a physical examination of the ear is the only way to tell the difference. Only then will the whitish spots on the tympanic membrane be appreciated.

However, apart from pain and spots, the patient could suffer other symptoms, such as the following:

  • Fever.
  • Vertigo.
  • Emotional irritability
  • Tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
  • Otorrhea (i.e., expulsion of purulent fluid through the external auditory canal)

Before the appearance of any of these symptoms, it is extremely necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.  In this way, the condition can be treated as soon as possible and prevent it from developing into tympanosclerosis. It must be said this is a permanent and very harmful condition for hearing.


As has been said before, this disease is due to an ear infection that reaches its most advanced stage. We insist that this situation is irreversible for the person. There are several situations that converge, however, for an ear infection to develop in this way.

On the one hand, obstruction of the eardrum occurs as a consequence of the infection. This conditions  the tympanic cage to see its volume reduced considerably. And this is something that generally occurs due to the presence of some type of scar tissue.

On the other, the infection that affects the eardrum lasts over time. This is the cause of the presence of the whitish spots on the tympanic membrane, which are usually observed in the medical examination prior to diagnosis.

It is not that all these situations have to concur at the same time. Simply, if  you suffer from one of them, you have a good chance of suffering from this disease.

Tympanosclerosis treatment

As previously noted, tympanosclerosis usually results from repeated episodes of otitis. Or, for not treating these types of infections adequately.

For this reason, it is essential to attend to any symptoms described above as soon as possible.  To reverse the otitis, it is necessary to take an antibiotic, which must be indicated by a doctor in a timely manner.

When otitis reaches the most advanced stage of infection, the hearing loss that occurs as a result of tympanosclerosis is irreversible. In view of this, the remaining resource is the use of hearing aids. Thus, the patient could regain hearing quality.


On the other hand, the best way to avoid this situation is to control the appearance of otitis. For this, it is important not to be subjected to sudden changes in temperature. Hygiene is also very important. Of course, it is advisable not to use swabs or other objects that can damage the ear canal.

Rather, you should use hearing protectors. In addition, it is important to dry your ears well after bathing in swimming pools or swimming pools, since the opposite favors the appearance of infections such as external otitis.

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