Tricks To Strengthen And Grow Eyelashes

Did you know that by applying mascara you are protecting your lashes? Ultraviolet rays and environmental conditions could eventually dry out and weaken them, so extra care should be taken

The eyelashes are essential as they protect the eyes from foreign bodies and the sun. In addition, they give symmetry to the face and change the look a lot. Therefore, it is important to take good care of them. We give you some tricks to strengthen and grow eyelashes. Take note!

How to strengthen and grow eyelashes?

castor oil

Eyelashes have a structure like that of hair, they are made up of keratin, responsible for their elasticity and resistance, and melanin, responsible for color. As with hair, eyelashes grow, fall out and are replaced by new ones although they take longer -.

Ultraviolet rays and extreme conditions could cause them to dry out and increase their porosity, causing them to weaken.

To protect them, a good measure would be to use mascara. But yes, it is not advisable to go to bed without removing eyelashes, since they would run the risk of splitting.

However, there are a large number of natural products that, it is assumed, would be beneficial to stimulate and grow the eyelashes and, thus, prevent them from deteriorating, especially if you use makeup frequently.

Olive oil

Due to its proven moisturizing properties, it is believed that placing olive oil on the lashes before going to sleep would keep them conditioned and prevent them from breaking easily.

Hyaluronic acid

Studies indicate that hyaluronic acid would be an interesting moisturizer for human skin. While we haven’t found any research related to eyelashes, it’s supposed to help make them look healthier and stronger, as well as stimulate their growth.

Oil blend

Popular folklore explains that for longer eyelashes, it would be interesting to mix the same amount of olive oil and avocado oil in a jar . Night after night, before going to sleep, a drop of this mixture should be placed on the eyelashes and massaged, taking care that it does not enter the eyes.

Carrot, orange and honey juice

Mix six carrots, four oranges, two tablespoons of flower pollen, one of walnut, one of pine nuts and one of honey. Make a juice with these ingredients and drink it every morning for two months, the eyelashes will look stronger from the root thanks to the vitamin contribution that this juice has.


Moisturizing properties are attributed to petroleum jelly, so it is advisable to place a drop of liquid petroleum jelly on the fingertips and spread it over all the eyelashes with a gentle massage. After sleeping, it should be rinsed off.

Rose oil

Rose or flower oil has properties that would nourish not only the skin and hair, but also our eyelashes, even accelerating their growth. These data are drawn from animal studies, therefore more studies would be necessary.


To make our eyelashes more flexible, you can apply chamomile tea on a cotton ball. We have not found scientific evidence to support this advice.


Another technique to strengthen them would be to apply a little serum. There are growth serums that would help keep your eyelashes in good condition.

Do not forget:


Experts also recommend a good diet to help strengthen lashes.

It is important to incorporate magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6 into your diet. You can find them in liver, chicken, pork, fish, bananas, dried beans, and also in whole grain products and many fruits and vegetables.

Maintaining long and strong eyelashes is very easy. Simply follow these tips and dedicate time to them, so you will achieve optimal results very soon. And you, do you have any additional tips for eyelash health?

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