Uses Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil To Take Care Of Health

Olive oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that give it interesting benefits for health and well-being.

The olive oil extra virgin is used in kitchens around the world. Its flavor makes it an excellent ingredient to accompany different recipes. However, it is not only about its taste, but also and fundamentally, its nutritional and healthy properties.

The health benefits of extra virgin olive oil are due to its components, among which monounsaturated fats stand out. In addition, it provides vitamin E, and the following acids:

  • Oleic
  • Palmitic
  • Stearic
  • Palmitoleic
  • Linoeic

Also read What are the differences in healthy and unhealthy oils?

Not all olive oils are the same

Before starting to mention its beneficial effects, it is important to clarify that there are three different types of olive oil:

  • The so-called “ virgin ” and “extra virgin ” oils are the result of cold pressing the olives, without thermal or chemical processes. Therefore, they retain their natural health-protective components, such as vitamin E, carotenes, antioxidants, and phenolic compounds.
  • On the contrary, the so-called simply “olive oil” results from the mixture of a small part of virgin oil and a large proportion of processed oil. Consequently, this oil will have much less of the protective components.

Health benefits of extra virgin olive oil

Next we will expose a series of benefits obtained by the use of this oil.

Treatment for pain

Olive oil

Sometimes, due to injuries or blows, the body, more precisely the immune system, reacts with a process of inflammation. Inflammation is a defensive barrier to prevent infection.

The inflammation can cause pain, redness, warmth, and stiffness or loss of mobility. Extra virgin olive oil is recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, it can be of great help in relieving pain.

Oleocanthal, a molecule present in this oil, would have an effect on the body similar to ibuprofen. It is applied by massaging the affected area.

Anti-cancer properties

No known food so far can counteract or end cancer. However, there are foods that when ingested can help reduce the chances of suffering from it. Such is the case of virgin olive oil. Components such as oleic acid present in olive oil, reduce the probability of suffering from cancer.

Added to this, the ingredient in question is one of the best natural antioxidants out there. In other words, it helps neutralize free radicals that the body produces and that can damage cells.

Olive oil moisturizer

Fight bad cholesterol

Within the protection offered by extra virgin olive oil, its ability to reduce cholesterol is known. More precisely, its monounsaturated fats stimulate the circulatory system to eliminate bad cholesterol (LDL).

In this way, it can help prevent diseases linked to the cardiovascular system.

Also read Effective diet to reduce bad cholesterol

Take care of the skin

Olive oil

Among the known benefits of extra virgin olive oil, skin care stands out when using it topically.

Its application moisturizes, hydrates and prevents, through its antioxidants, the premature deterioration of skin cells. In other words, it delays aging and also repairs damaged tissue.

Prevents Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s, one of the most common dementia diseases in the world, is one of the so-called neurodegenerative diseases. It is a type of disorder that can be treated but not cured.

Being a natural antioxidant, the consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps eliminate free radicals that can damage brain cells. Of course, it does not cure the disease, but it can help slow its progress.

Therefore, the simple addition to your routine of a simple product, such as extra virgin olive oil, will bring important benefits to your health and well-being. But remember, extra virgin oil is not the same as processed olive oil.

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