Vegetarian Nut Creams, The Best Healthy Snack

Vegetarian nut butters are a nutritious and healthy alternative to butter, margarine, chocolate creams, cheese or any similar product, which usually contain a large amount of unhealthy fats, sugars, salt and additives.

They are easy to prepare at home and can be used to complement the flavor of many recipes, or to take during a snack. Have you already tried them? We tell you what they are and what are the ingredients that you use to make them.

What are vegetarian nut butters?

Vegetarian nut butters are creamy, spreadable foods that are made from the processing of different types of nuts. With these, their oils are extracted to create butters without the need to use dairy products.

They can be sweet or salty, and they can have different flavors, depending on the ingredients that are added to the preparation. In addition, they are an attractive and healthy option when preparing sandwiches, appetizers and many other recipes to share with the family.

They can also be used as a creamy ingredient in vegan pastries; that is to say, pastry free of products of animal origin: meat, eggs, milk, etc.

Can they be prepared at home?

They can be prepared at home

You can make these vegetarian creams or nut butters at home if you have a sufficiently powerful food processor. Some mixers can also work, as long as they are powerful and you have patience to stop the machine from time to time and remove the dough that remains on the walls.

These creams  can also be purchased in supermarkets and health food stores. However, labels should be read carefully to discard products that contain an excess of other less healthy ingredients, such as palm oil.

Vegetarian creams that you will like to try


The almond is an excellent dry fruit with which its famous oil is made, which is one of the most common ingredients in natural cosmetics. Its vitamin content of group B and E stands out, as well as minerals (calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron).

One of the most remarkable nutrients in almonds is calcium. Thanks to its high content of this mineral, almonds are an excellent option for those who do not drink dairy or for those who suffer from osteoporosis, cavities, etc.



Hazelnut not only has a delicious flavor and reminds us of the traditional cocoa and hazelnut spread, but it also has the virtue of regulating blood sugar levels. For this reason it is one of the best options to control the consumption of sweets or avoid cravings. 

Hazelnut also improves intestinal function, thanks to its magnesium, calcium and fiber content. It also stands out for its content of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, as well as folic acid, essential for pregnant women.

Macadamia nut

The delicious macadamia nut, with its characteristic creamy and crunchy texture, is ideal for our creams due to its high fat content. This nut, which is very rich in omega 9 fatty acids, helps reduce high cholesterol levels, fights constipation, regulates some digestive disorders and reduces inflammation.

It is very beneficial to consume this type of nut on a regular basis. However, if you suffer from constipation it should be done in moderation. It is recommended to keep macadamia nuts in a cool and dry place, since due to their high fat content they oxidize easily.

Sweet or salty?

Sweet or salty

Vegetarian creams can be made in both a sweet and savory version. The choice depends on the tastes of each person, as well as the recipes in which they wish to use.

  • Candy.  They can be sweetened with stevia, honey or agave syrup, and flavored with cinnamon, vanilla or cocoa.
  • Salty  As a cream cheese, it can be given a delicious touch of flavor with sea salt, garlic powder, smoked pepper and a touch of brewer’s yeast.

Also try the seeds

Both nuts and seeds are high in healthy fats, which is the essential base for any spreadable cream that we want to make. Among the seeds, the most common to make any butter are the following:

  • Sunflower.  Very nutritious seeds that stand out for their magnesium and vitamin E content.
  • Pumpkin.  These seeds contain vitamins A, C and E, as well as essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6.
  • Sesame. The famous  tahini  or  tahina , a food with a high calcium content and very common in Arabic cuisine.

Ready to try these ingredients in your veggie creams? As you can see, they are very nutritious. Choose the one you like the most and use it to replace conventional butters.

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