What Are The Benefits Of A Diet Against Stress?

Sometimes, daily obligations, problems and worries make us end up neglecting our diet. However, although we do not take it into account, maintaining a good diet helps us to ward off states of stress. What are its benefits?

Although diet is not the only factor in managing stress, making good food choices provides us with nutrients that contribute to a better mood. On the contrary, as detailed in a study published in Psychiatric Clinics of North America , having unhealthy eating patterns only leads to higher levels of stress. 

Stress affects health

According to a study in the Experimental and Clinical Sciences Journal , stress generates serious reactions in the nervous system that cause structural changes in different parts of the brain and affect the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine and gastrointestinal systems.

Therefore, in case of stressful situations, the nutrition tips that we will give you below may be useful. However, remember that it is important to be evaluated by a doctor to determine if the symptoms are related to stress or another underlying condition.

Whatever the cause, a specialist is the right person to develop healthy strategies and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate medications. Keep that in mind!

Woman with stress

Benefits of a diet against stress

Currently, the evidence links constant exposure to stress with a tendency to choose unhealthy foods. Similarly, as a post in UCLA Center East-West Medicine points out , those who choose healthy foods and beverages tend to have fewer effects of stress and a greater sense of well-being.

In fact, in a study published in the journal Nutrients , it was determined that healthy eating patterns such as the Mediterranean diet contribute to reducing stress-induced inflammation. This, in turn, could help lower the risk of mental illness, research finds.

It should be remembered that, in general, eating well is associated with better health. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy diet helps protect against chronic non-communicable diseases , such as heart disease, diabetes and others that, in a way, are also associated with stress.

So what should we keep in mind? Recognizing the importance of diet as a coadjuvant against stress, we invite you to discover some guidelines that you can consider to eat better and, thus, improve this problem.

1. Think about what’s important

Woman looking for what to eat

It is important to stop for a moment and worry about ourselves and our health. We all have obligations to fulfill, both work and family, but we must also know how to listen to the calls of our body to pause.

If you come home exhausted, never eat the first thing you see in the fridge, or eat to quench your anxiety. Sometimes we turn to sweets and industrial foods to find immediate pleasure but, in times of stress, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

2. A varied diet with the essential components

If you are one of those people who stress makes them gain weight, always think about your health first and never resort to miracle diets that force you to eat very little a day or eat a unique type of food for a week.

According to a study published in American Family Physician , a balanced diet, which follows the recommended range of energy and nutrient intakes, is important for the prevention and management of chronic diseases. 

This balance is obtained by filling half the plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with whole grains, and the remaining quarter with healthy proteins. It is also important to consume water as a primary drink and to be physically active.

3. Control the most dangerous indicators

When we go through states of anxiety and stress, it is essential to do medical checks regularly to check blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose level, among others, and thus avoid a decompensation that can harm health.

4. Energy and relaxation

Healthy eating for glowing skin

According to the Mayo Clinic, foods such as dark green leafy vegetables and broccoli, orange vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes, as well as fish, cereals and legumes, are options that provide us with energy. This, in addition to sleeping well, practicing relaxation techniques and doing something meaningful every day can also help us to have a better mood.

Examples of balanced diet

Below we want to share some examples of what dishes can be like following a balanced diet model. However, it is essential to note that they are only examples and can be varied with other healthy foods. Even, as far as possible, you have to follow the nutritionist’s recommendations. 


  • Natural orange juice and a toast with honey
  • Natural skimmed yogurt with five strawberries
  • Green tea with two walnuts and a plum
  • An apple and a whole wheat toast with olive oil
  • A cup of oatmeal and a kiwi


  • Spinach salad with two walnuts and pineapple chunks- Baked aubergine
  • Watercress, lettuce and half avocado salad – Baked sea bass
  • Brown rice with watercress and tuna – Tomato salad

Mid afternoon

  • Apple juice
  • A glass of soy or oatmeal
  • A whole wheat toast with olive oil
  • Chamomile infusion
  • A diced pear with a little lemon juice


  • Carrot soup- A boiled beet with a little salt- Toast with olive oil- Melissa infusion
  • Boiled broccoli with baked breast sautéed with lemon- Chamomile infusion
  • Pumpkin Soup, a Baked Pepper with Garlic Chunks- Linden Mint Tea
  • Boiled artichokes with a little lemon and vinegar – Juice of half a beet with a carrot -Melissa infusion

Are you going through episodes of stress? Pay attention to the diet!

As we see it, food has a lot to do with how we feel. While eating poorly makes stress worse, making good food choices helps reduce stress. Therefore, whenever we are going through episodes of stress, it is convenient to check if we are eating healthy. In addition, the advice of the nutritionist should be taken into account.

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