What Are The Healthiest Bulbs?

Lighting is an ancient necessity since certain basic activities cannot be done without it. From a campfire in the woods during a family camping trip to the light bulbs that are used in most homes today. The market offers an interesting variety of these that can be found in different sizes, shapes and colors.

One characteristic of these bulbs is savings, because thanks to technological advances it is possible to do so in the long term. Some of those that can be found are incandescent ones, low consumption ones, fluorescent ones, broad spectrum ones, but… What are the healthiest bulbs? This is discussed below.

Natural light

Natural light is that which comes from the sun, however, a campfire is also a source of natural light  in the same way that lightning is. But it is solar energy where you can get the best benefits, both for home and health.

For example, when you wake up early in the morning you can open the windows to illuminate the house and do activities such as cooking, using the computer, reading or helping children with homework. Natural light is a healthy option for these tasks.

It is favorable because the body requires moderate exposure to sunlight in order to generate vitamin D which, according to this information from Medline Plus , plays an important role in the nervous, muscular and immune systems.

Making use of natural light or being able to consciously take advantage of the sun’s rays can help the body absorb calcium through the production of vitamin D. A deficiency of this nutrient can cause osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children. So why not have a cup of tea while you have 10 to 15 minutes of sun in the morning?

Incandescent bulbs

An incandescent light bulb is an electric light bulb through which an electric current passes through a thread called a filament, which heats up until it becomes incandescent and in this way can produce light. These are the classic bulbs that today are being replaced by LED technology.

This type of light source has been superseded for various reasons. Some are: the low electrical performance, the low light efficiency, the high temperatures at which they operate, the short life that translates into little use and that also does not allow an optimal distribution of lighting.

Despite the fact that some studies can be found on this type of light bulbs that try to justify their use, more houses, shopping centers, establishments, etc. have been replacing these bulbs with others with lower consumption.

Energy saving lightbulbs

Talking about energy saving light bulbs is talking about LED bulbs. This type of technology has come to replace traditional incandescent bulbs because it offers a more optimal energy saving capacity.

In addition, if their use is conscious – which depends on a human factor – in a short time they could help reduce light pollution, which until now continues to be a challenge. This could happen thanks to its regulability characteristics. That is, they have a longer life span.

In this study carried out by the Spanish Lighting Committee, it is explained that these bulbs have managed to use the mechanism to illuminate in a better way that translates as more beneficial in energy saving. For example, the type of light they generate and the temperature they reach when they are on for several hours.

In other words, low-consumption or LED light bulbs could be an option to contribute to the reduction of electrical energy consumption while directly supporting a more ecological initiative that benefits the environment, the planet and for that matter. so much, to all of us who live in it.

Fluorescent lights

One of the advantages of fluorescent lights is savings, since they need less power to illuminate the same space and even with more brightness. In addition, they do not waste energy in heat and are cold to the touch. Added to this, they have a longer durability than traditional incandescent lamps.

Arguably, they meet similar characteristics to LED bulbs. However, they are not recommended for spaces such as bedrooms or the kitchen because their usage time decreases as the light is turned on and off. They are recommended for spaces where the switch should not be pressed many times a day.

The candles

Candles are an alternative to illuminate some areas of the house, they usually offer a touch of relaxation and are an option that saves electricity. You can find several types, from the traditional white candles to the aromatic ones with essences such as cinnamon and vanilla.

Sometimes they are used as a source of illumination in special moments. Others relate their use to meditation and relaxation therapies and also use them to do yoga. Regardless of the reason why you want to use them, candles are a healthy option that helps save electricity.

So… what are the healthiest bulbs?

The first thing to consider is that there are specific moments where light sources such as candles can be used, they cannot always be used because there are activities that need better lighting. For example, when using the computer it is not recommended to use candles. In this case, a lamp that uses a bulb with LED technology is suggested. They are economical and do not heat up, they are ideal for this type of work.

Another important point is to consider the contribution that can be made to the environment. Using energy saving light bulbs can be a long-term benefit, both for the user and for the environment. On the other hand, doing activities in the home or office where you can take advantage of natural sunlight is a healthy option too.

Images courtesy of torres21, jnpoulos and James Bowe

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