What Is The Difference Between Gastritis And Gastroenteritis?

It is important to know the difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis, since they are two very common diseases that affect millions of people in the world and that, if complicated, have serious consequences.

There is an important difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis, but some people tend to confuse them due to the similarity between the two words. However, the two diseases have some symptoms that are similar.

The prevalence of both is high. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 50% of the world’s population has gastritis. Meanwhile, it is estimated that more than 700 million people on the planet suffer from gastroenteritis each year.

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is a disease in which the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed. This is a layer that lines the stomach and, when inflamed, causes several symptoms. Among them, a burning pain that can be very annoying and insidious.

For most people, gastritis has no major consequences and improves within a short period of time. However, if the problem is not treated and is allowed to progress, it can become complicated and last for several years.

There are many causes that cause gastritis. Usually when it is detected and removed, the problem goes away. If proper measures are not taken, over time an ulcer may develop in the stomach or polyps, which are small growths, may appear.

Woman with gastroenteritis.


The most characteristic symptom of gastritis is pain or burning in the upper abdomen. This can dissipate or get worse with food intake. It appears suddenly and sometimes becomes very intense.

Usually there is also indigestion and a feeling of extreme fullness after eating. This is included in a syndrome known as dyspepsi a that is nonspecific and responds to other origins as well.


Gastritis occurs when some factor damages the lining of the stomach:

  • Stress.
  • Advanced age.
  • Bacterial infection caused by  H. pylori .
  • Habitual use of alcohol, cocaine, or tobacco.
  • Autoimmune reaction: occurs when the body itself attacks the cells of the stomach lining.
  • Frequent ingestion of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): such as ibuprofen or aspirin.


The treatment of gastritis depends on the cause that originates it. If it is based on an ingestion of some substance, just stop doing it. In the other cases, a pharmacological approach is carried out that is complemented with a healthy lifestyle and an adequate diet.

What is gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis is a simultaneous inflammation of the lining of the stomach and that of the intestine. The disease is caused by different infectious agents and it is estimated that around 760,000 children die each year.

This is a very common disease that primarily targets young infants and people over 65 years of age. Also those who have a weakened immune system. Gastroenteritis can become chronic and be the cause of dehydration, malnutrition, or sepsis.


The characteristic symptom of gastroenteritis is diarrhea, sometimes with mucus or blood. It can also be greasy, foamy, or watery. Most commonly, it is accompanied by cramps, pain, swelling, and a feeling of discomfort. Sometimes there is fever, vomiting, and headache.


Gastroenteritis is caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. It is acquired by contagion and is spread when a person goes to the bathroom, does not wash their hands properly, and then touches items that others also come into contact with.

It can also be spread through coughs or sneezes, contaminated food or water. They are less frequent forms of transmission, but typical of certain microorganisms that find alternative routes of spread.


Treatment is aimed at preventing dehydration and controlling diarrhea. If gastroenteritis is caused by bacteria, specific antibiotics can be used. This is complemented with a suitable diet, in which it is necessary to consume foods with high liquid content.

Main differences between gastritis and gastroenteritis

As we have seen, although these are two diseases that have some aspects in common, the difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis is also remarkable. The first major contrast has to do with the fact that, in one case, only the lining of the stomach is inflamed, while in the other there is also inflammation of the lining of the intestine.

Another difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis is that the former can be caused by H. pylori or by other factors, while the latter is always caused by infectious agents that reach the body by contagion.

The differences between gastritis and gastroenteritis are also manifested in these aspects:

  • Symptoms: while in gastritis there is discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, in gastroenteritis there are cramps in the central area of ​​the belly and diarrhea.
  • Diagnosis: gastritis is diagnosed with endoscopic tests, in general; Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, requires a stool analysis and a culture to determine the causative agent.
  • Treatment: although in both cases drugs and hygiene and diet measures are used, their nature and the objective of each treatment is very different.
  • Complications: Gastritis can cause ulcers in the long term, but gastroenteritis leads to dehydration in a relatively short time.
Gastritis pain in a woman.

Diet for both pathologies

Although there are differences between gastritis and gastroenteritis, in both cases a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet helps prevent its occurrences and complications. Proper hygiene habits are the best thing to do.

It is also important to treat pathologies in time, whether acute or chronic. As we have seen, complications can be very severe, to the point where they are life threatening. Therefore, gastritis and gastroenteritis are reason for specialized consultation.

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