What Makes You Different Also Makes You Special

What makes you different makes you unique and therefore special. What would this world be like if we were all clones of each other? The same thoughts, the same attitudes and the same bodies would actually define an empty society and a lack of spontaneity, magic and creativity.

It is possible that you came into the world with an unharmonious face, or with too many freckles, or with a very marked nose, or too long legs. You may have always been too thin, or those extra pounds that you have inherited from your family have characterized you your whole life.

Some people think that all the physical characteristics that do not follow the typical canon of beauty “make them different.” There are those who believe that thinking alternatively “makes them different.”

Actually, what really makes us different and unique is what  so assume these features. And hence our worth and greatness.

Because being different should not be synonymous with exclusion. Being different gives character.

Make a Difference

What colors suit you according to your skin, hair and eyes

It is very common that we see adolescents striving every day to be equal to the rest, equal to their classmates. They dress similarly, share the same music, admire the same artists …

Sometimes they become so “diluted” with each other that it is difficult to differentiate them. They feel the need to be part of the group. However, being part of a group can also have negative consequences:

  • Be determined by the group.
  • Feeling anxiety and suffering when they cannot achieve the same things or meet the same aesthetic and physical patterns.
  • The idea that being different is synonymous with rarity, defect and, therefore, exclusion is defended.

It is not something healthy, neither physically nor emotionally. This is why many young people have self-esteem problems.

It is important to communicate with them assertively and make them reflect and learn to accept themselves, maintaining a balance between their personality and the group:

  • Being good with oneself is always the main value to which we must aspire.
  • Accepting oneself as one is, either physically or because of our character, also implies that it is necessary to enter into adequate health standards. It is to be well inside and out.
  • Nobody, not even society itself with its fashions, has the right to tell us that being different is wrong.

Would being all the same make us happy?

What is the use of actually being all the same? One of the objectives of many people is, without a doubt, to leave their mark and be an example from which to learn, also for society itself.

We must be able to contribute new ideas with which to enrich ourselves to continue advancing.

Breaking the molds imposed by society helps to acquire personal strategies to stand out from the rest, be more courageous and set an example.

Being different is not easy

Auburn-haired girl.

Sometimes society doesn’t make it easy to be different. It doesn’t matter which mold you break. As long as you do something that society does not expect, or you do not do something that society expects, you will be branded differently.

However, we must never let ourselves be carried away by criticism or feel affected. If we give up, or even more so, we convince ourselves that being different is a bad thing or not recommended, we will lose everything.

  • Never lose your ability to think critically, to go one step beyond what is expected.
  • Try to have a positive impact in every day of your life. You will achieve small triumphs and, little by little, you will feel better about yourself.
  • Assume your limitations, understand them and face them. The real limitations are in the mind.  If we are able to change our thoughts, our attitude towards life will also change.

    Discover: Every day I am more human, less perfect and happier

    Being different is an opportunity to be yourself

    Being different and knowing yourself different is, most of the time, an opportunity because it allows us to learn much more about ourselves, and that is something that not everyone is capable of. Therefore, it is worth learning to accept ourselves and choose to be happy with who we are, every day of our life.

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