Why Is It Important To Continue Training At Christmas?

At Christmas time we tend to be busier, and we also have a tendency to be more forgiving of our lifestyle, especially when it comes to eating and exercising. Because of this, it is important to continue training over Christmas.

The practice of physical exercise during these dates is decisive to, in a way, counteract those excesses that are usually had with food. In addition, among other things, it contributes to maintaining general well-being. In the next space we address this issue in detail.

Why should I keep training at Christmas?

Continuing training at Christmas will help us, on the one hand, not to lose part of what we have gained in terms of muscle mass, strength, agility or flexibility, depending on what our goals are.

On the other hand, it allows us to burn part of the extra calories that we will probably consume these days. It is even a way of being aware of the things we drink.

Benefits of continuing to train during Christmas

Taking into account the above, below we detail what are the main benefits of continuing to train during Christmas. 

Keep the habit

Habits are generally difficult to establish and maintain. It takes time and perseverance. However, they are very easy to lose. If we stop exercising during the almost three weeks of the Christmas holidays, it may take a long time for us to regain the habit.

Greater efficiency in metabolic activity

One of the great benefits of exercise is that it activates metabolic activity. That is, we not only burn calories while we train, but also afterwards, even when we are at rest. This is of great help to lose weight and to burn the excess calories ingested during the celebrations.

Helps release the stress of the Christmas season

Benefits of continuing to train during Christmas

The holidays can cause stress and anxiety for many reasons, both for those who adore these days and for those who do not like them. Continuing to train during Christmas helps to release this tension and, in fact, increases the feeling of well-being.

The practice of exercise, as exposes this study published in Brain Blast Journal , stimulates the release of serotonin and endorphins, known as the hormones of happiness.

Tips to keep training during Christmas

Routines almost inevitably change around Christmas time. Travel, having to move to the house of other relatives or festivities prevent us from following the usual rhythm of life. Still, there are some strategies to keep training over Christmas. We will detail them below.

Do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises

The practice of cardiovascular exercise is a way of training that allows us to stay active and enhance the burning of calories. Best of all, you don’t have to have special machines or go to a specific place to practice it. It can be developed both outdoors, at home or in gyms.

Some interesting options are:

  • Ride the bicycle.
  • Brisk walking or jogging.
  • Jump the rope.
  • Boxing.
  • Cardio exercises in high intensity interval training (HIIT) routines.

Strength training at least three times a week

You don’t need to use machines to do strength training. It is enough to use your own body weight to do some exercises that allow you to work the whole body. With a routine of 10 to 20 minutes it is possible to keep the body in shape and take care of the muscle mass.

Some options are as follows:

  • Squats
  • Displants.
  • Lizards.
  • Burpees.
  • ABS.
  • Calf work.

To do stretches

Stretching exercises should not be missing from our training routine during Christmas. They are ideal for mobilizing the joints and activating circulation, especially after spending a long time sitting or in the same position. In addition, they help prepare the body for other more physically demanding activities. Some dynamic ways to do them are through routines like yoga or Pilates.

Avoid excess food and drink

Avoid excess food and drink 

It is true that special foods abound during the Christmas season. Still, it is important to have self-control and try to eat only what is necessary. Excess food affects body weight and can cause digestive discomfort. The same happens with alcoholic beverages, which also have other harmful effects.

Exercise in company

Training with someone is always easier in order to maintain the habit and meet the objectives. It does not have to be in person. We can meet someone at a specific time and share a training session via teleconference, or via streaming,  for example.

The essential thing is that this person is also committed to maintaining the habit and that they have enough willpower to become a support and not a drag.

At Christmas we can continue training

May Christmas not become an excuse to put aside our healthy habits. Both physical exercise and a good diet allow you to live these dates without compromising health.

Of course, it is not about depriving yourself of celebrations and special dishes. You just have to spend a little time training and eat moderately.

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