Why Is It Important To Shower Every Day Even If We Don’t Leave The House?

Today, many people work from home thanks to the internet. This has its pros and cons, because sometimes you stay several days without leaving the house, if you do not have a reason that forces you to leave. Therefore, the question arises whether it is necessary to shower every day, even if we do not leave the house.

When teleworking begins, routines are altered, and that change in habits has disrupted what we do on a normal day. Because the problem is that: we no longer have normal hours, but we are responsible for establishing the best working hours.

In these conditions, there are people who spend a large part of their day indoors, and wonder if it is really important to shower daily, even if we do not go outside. To answer this we must first understand what happens in the body when we do not bathe frequently.

What happens to the body if we don’t shower every day?

The human body goes through a number of changes when it is not subjected to frequent bathing, which tend to be harmful. Even if we have not done physical activity or have been in contact with the outside, these changes occur.

One of them is the slowing down of the metabolism. Baths stimulate the generation of energy in cells, which activate various energetic mechanisms that are otherwise switched off.

With the showers we also eliminate dead tissue. The skin has a process of continuous cell turnover that consists of apoptosis – programmed cell death – of cells so that new ones take their place. Washing helps clear the way for new cells.

We finally have the smell. This does not happen from perspiration, as you might expect. What happens is that, by not washing frequently, we allow bacteria to settle on the skin. Once they build up too much, your metabolic processes plus the accumulated dead tissue go into putrefaction. The peak of this situation is the condition known as dermatosis neglecta .

shower every day

The neglecta dermatosis

The neglecta dermatosis is a disease described recently in the 1980s Sufferers presented as main symptom plaque formation pigmented skin.

These plates begin to accumulate a bad smell as the days go by. The mechanism of the smell is not sweat, but the putrefaction of bacteria and accumulated dead tissue that we do not eliminate when we shower.

Although it is rare that this condition occurs in people without psychiatric disorders, it has been described in adolescent groups who neglect their hygiene to the extreme. It is good to know that poor hygiene leads to pathology.

How many times do you have to shower?

shower daily during quarantine

Nor is it good to fall into the obsession of showering several times a day for fear of the accumulation of bacteria. The temptation may exist if we telecommute, assuming that we invest a certain time there that shortens the day.

But specialists agree that showering every day is not counterproductive, unless we do it excessively. If we overdo it, we remove the layer of fat that the epidermis uses to maintain body temperature and protect ourselves from external agents.

Maintaining hygiene is necessary to the extent that our body requires it. That is why the indication would be, in principle, to shower every day, even if we do not leave the house. In this way we will activate the metabolism, we will keep the skin clean of dead tissues and we will prevent bacteria from accumulating.

It is worth remembering that hand washing is a completely different matter. Hand hygiene should be done several times a day and with soap.

Maintaining routines, like showering every day, is important

When working from home, schedules change, which tends to upset us, physically and mentally, but maintaining routines is very useful.

If we can establish schedules and activities with relative repetition, we can get to order and without side effects. Showering every day, even if we do not leave the house, can be one more task for our days.

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