Wrapping Yourself In Plastic: A Mistake That Doesn’t Help You Lose Weight

For many decades, different “tricks and techniques” have been practiced with the aim of improving the results when it comes to losing weight and shaping the figure. Slimming creams, surgical procedures, juices, gels, fat-burning injections or massages, among others, are only a small part of the methods that aim to help eliminate those extra kilos that prevent you from having the desired figure.

In addition to those already mentioned, there is a very popular method that, according to popular belief, can increase the ability to burn calories and fat, this  consists of wrapping the body with plastic to increase body temperature when exercising. But is it any use?

Join us in this brief summary! You will like what you discover. Shall we start?

This practice has been widely used in beauty salons and many people do it at home to take advantage of all its supposed benefits. By covering the areas of the body with plastic, which is a waterproof material, it forces the body to sweat and thereby helps to promote weight loss. The latter is totally true and logical.

However, today we delve into a few points about this “weight loss” system. We know that it will be of interest to you and you will even want to share it with your friends and family.

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Myth or Reality?

We have already mentioned in previous lines that this method consists of covering some areas of the body, especially the abdominal area, with film to wrap and protect food, and that it is done just before exercising. The purpose is to enhance the supposed slimming effects. It has also been recommended to apply some reducing cream, or as they are known in some places, “fat-eating creams”. But is it real? Are there any health risks?

According to this study, published by the Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research, obesity is one of the biggest public health problems today, its origin is complex and multifactorial. This led to an exhaustive review of aspects related to the importance of obesity as a health problem, its pathophysiology, as well as its conditioning factors.

This means, in the first instance, that if we are facing an obesity issue and we want to lose that, then more complex issues should be addressed, such as our daily caloric intake, body fat index, metabolism speed, percentage of physical activity , and also we should relate everything to our age, our weight and our height.

As we have presented, losing weight, then, is an issue that goes far beyond “wrapping yourself in plastic wrap and sweating”, since it has been scientifically proven that sweating does not make us lose weight. Sweating is part of the nature of our body, human beings sweat through perspiration for different reasons and although the most common has to do with temperature regulation.

It is due to the sweat glands. The body, like that of another normal person, has on average about 2.6 million glands of this type. Scientific research on sweating has determined, for example, that men have sweat glands with greater capacities than women, which is why they sweat more. Surprisingly, a standard person in full sweat can sweat more than 3.5 liters in an hour.

Now that we know this information, then everything indicates that it is not possible to lose weight just by sweating, in fact, this previously cited study shows that we do not sweat as a sign of weight loss. It is this reason that tells us that in order to lose weight, the most determining factor is diet. That is, to eat a healthy, balanced and responsible diet that contains the macronutrients we need during the day and also in the appropriate amounts, as we have mentioned, based on our age, height and body weight.

If in addition to this we have, in addition, a habit of exercising the body frequently, then we will only have to add one last point to find a good balance, which would be rest. Thus obtaining the famous triangle: Good nutrition (healthy diet), exercises and rest.

Contraindication of this method

What is achieved by wrapping any area of ​​your body in a plastic film is to avoid perspiration in a natural process of the body when the temperature rises, sweating. People who undergo this supposedly slimming system lose weight immediately, but it is a weight that corresponds to the water that is lost, which after exercising will be recovered by drinking.

In addition to this, we run the risk of suffering severe dehydration. It is evident that the body needs a process of releasing heat, that if we block it with a plastic it will quickly and excessively raise the body temperature.

Let’s not forget one last point, subjecting our skin to continuous contact and at high temperature to polyvinyl chloride does not seem the most advisable option. There are sensitive skins that can suffer allergic reactions, and therefore encounter an added problem.

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I want to lose weight, what do I do?

If what you want is to lose weight, what you should do is put yourself in the hands of a specialist, who will design a diet appropriate to your characteristics and will recommend that you exercise regularly. There are many qualified personal trainers who can draw up a specific work plan according to your interests and constitution.

The best thing you can do is stay away from this type of “home remedies” that have no scientific basis and understand that weight loss is a process that takes time and does not understand miracles, but sacrifice, healthy eating and effort .

Don’t try to go faster!

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