12 Alternative Uses For Onion That Will Surprise You

Onion is one of the best-known vegetables, both in gastronomy and in what has to do with alternative medicine. Its antibiotic, detoxifying and antioxidant qualities have been exploited for hundreds of years as a natural treatment for various conditions.

What very few imagine is that, beyond its exquisite flavor and high nutrient content, this ingredient has very interesting uses in the home, beauty and gardening. It also serves to replace many of the products sold in the market, which makes it a more economical and environmentally friendly option.

This time we want to share 12 curious ways to use it so that you get the most out of it. Do not miss it!

1. Onion for cleaning grills and pans


To remove burns from grills, pans and other appliances in your kitchen, take advantage of the properties of this food. Its antibacterial compounds not only remove dirt, but also disinfect and neutralize bad odors.

First insert a piece of this vegetable into a fork and rub it on the utensils you want to clean. Then, remove the excess with a damp cloth or a little dishwasher.

2. Remove stains

Sweat or burn stains on clothing can be easily removed using a little freshly cut onion. Likewise, it works in a similar way to hydrogen peroxide, penetrating the fabrics without affecting the garment. Apply it directly to the stain, let it soak in cold water, and rinse it off in your regular wash cycle.

3. Insect repellent

Apparently, the strong smell of this ingredient is unpleasant for ants, mosquitoes and a wide variety of insects that invade the garden and rooms. Instead of using harmful and toxic insecticides, fill a plate with chopped onions and place it in the path of these critters. You can also put the pieces in hot water, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray it.

4. Remove the smell of paint

Those unpleasant odors given off by paint or varnish on walls or furniture can be deodorized with a little fresh onion. You just have to cut them into several pieces and place them in the areas where the smell is most concentrated.

5. Clean your shoes


12. Combat hair loss

Finally, you should know that the antimicrobial properties of this ingredient can stop dandruff and promote the growth of new hair. Its antioxidant compounds stop hair loss and help to achieve a strong and abundant mane. You just have to prepare an infusion with onion peels and boiling water, and use the liquid as a rinse before shampooing.

Did you know all these uses of onion? Now that you know what other applications you can give it, do not hesitate to use it, above all, to facilitate many tasks in your home.

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