3 Remedies With Probiotics To Improve Digestion

On many occasions, digestive problems are derived from an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota. Therefore, some probiotic-based remedies can help improve digestive health.

The diet should include foods that promote a healthy intestinal microbiota on a daily basis . In that sense, there are remedies with probiotics; that is, they are rich in live microorganisms that improve the digestive system and overall health.

Here are 3 probiotic remedies that could help improve digestion. They are foods that require different fermentation processes and that you can prepare at home. Find out how.

What are probiotics?

Probiotic foods are those that are made up of live microorganisms that, when consumed, remain active in the intestine and thus favor the microbiota. In this way, they are essential for good digestion, but also for general health.

If you want to consume probiotic remedies, you should go to fermented foods. An interesting option may be to do them at home.

Here are the recipes for some of the most popular probiotic remedies. In addition, there are them for all tastes, based on dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Keep reading!

Probiotic remedies

As explained above, the intestine is lined with bacteria. These create the microbiome, a microecosystem that helps maintain gut health. To take care of the microbiome, it is important that you feed the bacteria with prebiotics and also incorporate live microbes into the intestine, through the consumption of probiotics, such as those indicated below.

1. Kefir

5 evidence-based benefits of kefir

Yogurt, such a popular food around the world, naturally contains probiotics as it is made through a fermentation process. However, when it is pasteurized, it can lose a percentage of these beneficial bacteria.

Another interesting option is to resort to kefir. This dairy is made at home thanks to a bacterial rennet that feeds on the lactose in milk. You just need to add a little of these kefir nodules that, over time, will grow in the drink.


  • 1 cup of fresh milk (250 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of kefir nodules (20 g).


  • To start, put the warm milk together with the kefir in a glass container. There should be a free space of at least two fingers. Also, you can cover the container with a cloth to breathe.
  • Then let it ferment at room temperature for about 24 hours. The longer it is, the more acidic and thick it will be.
  • After this time, strain the drink and repeat the process with the nodules. You can sweeten it with honey or brown sugar. 

2. Remedies with probiotics: pineapple peel drink

If you like pineapple, you should know that you can also take advantage of its peel for one of the most delicious probiotic remedies. You can put it to ferment with sugar and get a refreshing healthy drink. 

In some countries, there are recipes with this fruit to make alcoholic beverages and other variants. Next, you will discover a version for which you mainly use the peel that contains enzymes.


  • 1 large or 2 medium pineapple.
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 l).


  • First, wash the pineapple well and peel it.
  • Then put the peel in a glass container with the sugar and water.
  • Close the jar tightly, although you should open it twice a day.
  • Afterwards, let it ferment between 4 and 7 days. From the fourth day, you can try it. If it’s still sweet, you can let it ferment more if you want.
  • Finally, strain the drink and, if you wish, sweeten to drink.
  • It is recommended to drink cold. 

3. Sauerkraut: a classic of probiotic remedies

Pot with sauerkraut and parsley

Finally, you cannot miss one of the most famous fermented foods in central Europe, sauerkraut (sauerkraut). With this technique, people were guaranteed to be able to eat vegetables throughout the year when there was no other way to preserve them.

At present, experts have found that this food would contain probiotics, as it is possible to read in the scientific article Regular Consumption of Sauerkraut and Its Effect on Human Health: A Bibliometric Analysis .


  • 1 large and very fresh cabbage.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g) for every kilo of cabbage.


  • To start, wash the cabbage and remove any leaves that are not in good condition. 
  • Then cut it into very thin strips.
  • Then, in a glass container that is large enough, add the cabbage and salt in layers, gradually. Also, mash everything inside the jar so that the cabbage releases the juice and so that there are no air spaces.
  • There should be some free space in the pot and the cabbage juice should cover the mixture. This should be checked as the days go by to mash the cabbage if necessary.
  • The sauerkraut will be ready in a month or two, and both the cabbage and the juice will be rich in probiotics. 

Take care of your health when consuming probiotics

As you may have seen throughout this article, probiotics are necessary to maintain healthy intestines and, therefore, your entire body. Do not hesitate and incorporate them into your diet.

Do you dare to try these remedies with probiotics? Its flavor is intense and delicious, and its daily consumption will help you have the microbiota in perfect condition, a guarantee of good health.

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