3 Rice Salad Recipes You Must Try

Rice is a very versatile food since you can consume it both in hot and cold dishes. In addition, it has significant nutritional benefits. Do you want to add it to your diet? Here we teach you how to prepare various rice salad recipes!

To prepare these recipes, I recommend that you use mainly brown rice, since it is the one that provides the greatest nutritional properties. You can also use long rice for its texture and lightness, or basmati rice for its flavor and aroma.

Rice salad recipes

Before teaching you the delicious recipes with rice, we want to do a brief review about the benefits that the consumption of this food brings. The properties of rice can vary depending on the type of rice. 

Nutritional properties of rice

White rice is obtained through a process called bleaching, in which the husk and outer layers are removed. Therefore, brown rice provides more fiber, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, as a study published in the journal Antioxidants concludes , brown rice contains certain bioactive phytochemicals that are associated with some important nutrigenomic implications. 

  • Great source of energy : It is a rich source of carbohydrates and therefore acts as a source of fuel for the body.
  • High nutritional value : brown rice is high in minerals such as calcium and iron, it is also rich in vitamins, such as niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin.
  • Controls the appearance of diseases: brown rice acts as an antidiabetic. In addition, according to a study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE , its fiber and antioxidant properties protect the heart, helping to control blood pressure and cholesterol.

1. Rice salad with figs and feta cheese

Rice and fig salad

Look how good it is in the recipe for rice salad with figs and feta cheese, a simple and quick dish to make that you will repeat many times. But the best thing about this salad is its balance of ingredients, the sweet fruit, like the fig, which is now in season.

Ingredients (For 4 servings)

  • Long rice (320 g)
  • Feta cheese (150 g)
  • Spinach (80 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (80ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (15 g)
  • 8 figs


  • To start, bring a pot of water to boil and cook the rice in it. Drain it and cool it under running cold water.
  • Next, cut the feta cheese into cubes and also the figs into quarters. Wash the spinach and drain well.
  • Next, prepare the vinaigrette by mixing the olive oil, honey and mustard in a bowl with the help of some rods.
  • Mix in a bowl with the feta cheese, figs, vinaigrette and spinach leaves.
  • Finally, divide the salad into individual bowls and it will be ready.

2. Lettuce tacos with rice, lentils and avocado

This recipe is ideal to make an easy, healthy and delicious appetizer for any occasion. You can include this vegetable dish in a daily or holiday menu, and your diners will be satisfied.

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Cooked basmati rice (140 g)
  • Cooked lentils (140 g)
  • Avocado (100 g)
  • 2 piquillo peppers
  • 1/4 of chives (optional)
  • 2 lettuce buds
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (20 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of sherry vinegar (20 ml)
  • Salt
  • Sesame seeds


  • First, we boil the rice and lentils in advance. You can buy lentils from the pot already cooked. Put them in a bowl
  • Next, peel and dice the avocado. Also, drain the piquillo peppers and cut them into small squares as well. Peel and chop the onion in brunoise and add all the ingredients to the bowl.
  • Next, wash the leaves of the lettuce buds and drain them well. Prepare a classic vinaigrette with the extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and salt, season the filling of the buds and proceed to fill the leaves.
  • Finally, place the stuffed lettuce leaves on the plates and garnish with sesame seeds.

    3. Rice salad with smoked fish

    Smoked rice salad

    Smoked fish, such as salmon and cod, are ideal to enrich salads. On this occasion, we have chosen to include them in a rice salad that also incorporates some very tasty smoked herring roe.

    Ingredients (4 servings)

    • Brown rice (320 g)
    • 3 large sweet and sour pickles
    • 8 radishes
    • 1 peach
    • 1 small bunch of fresh chives
    • 8 slices of smoked salmon
    • 8 slices of smoked cod
    • 4 tablespoons smoked herring roe
    • Freshly grated lime peel
    • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (80 ml)
    • A splash of soy sauce (optional)


    • As in the previous recipes, we first cook the rice and cool it.
    • Subsequently, chop the pickles into small cubes, wash the radishes, remove the two ends and chop them as well. Peel the peach, pit it and cut it in the same way as the previous ingredients. Chop the chives finely, and put all these ingredients in a bowl, next to the cold cooked rice, to mix it well.
    • Prepare the dressing with the olive oil, soy sauce and lime, mix all the ingredients and beat until emulsified.
    • To finish, make some cylinders with the slices of salmon and smoked cod, place them on the rice and spread the herring roe on top.

    Are you looking for a different way to include rice in your diet? You are sure to love these three delicious and fresh rice salad recipes for hot days!

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