4 Swimming Exercises That Will Help You Stay In Shape

Swimming is a sport that contributes to improving physical fitness, controlling body weight and maintaining general health. Know some exercises to apply it as a training method.

Do you want to get in shape by swimming, but don’t know where to start? Today you will discover some swimming exercises that will help you improve your physical condition while doing a very complete and fun activity.

Swimming is a highly recommended exercise, as it helps to exercise practically all the muscles of the body. It is also beneficial for bone tissue, and is even capable of preventing knee osteoarthritis, especially if it is practiced before the age of 35, according to a study published in the Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation.  

4 examples of swimming exercises

Next, we are going to detail some exercise alternatives to train each of the swimming styles. In this way, beyond improving physical fitness, you can also correct technical issues that may slow down your progress in this discipline.

1. The crawl

Swimming exercises to be in crawl form

The crawl is the first of the swimming styles that is usually taught in all schools or gyms where people who cannot swim are instructed.

The way to carry out this style of swimming is to alternate arms, stretching forward one and then the other. At the same time, you have to bring your head towards the arm opposite the one that is stretched in order to breathe.

In relation to this style, there are a couple of exercises that allow rapid advancement that most people can do when swimming. The first has to do with the position of the body, which must be kept horizontal, without raising the head or lowering the hips.

To acquire this position when swimming, you can start by swimming with your face down front crawl, as if looking at the bottom of the pool. Take advantage of this exercise also to get used to going out to breathe towards the sides.

On the other hand, there is the alternative of trying to swim with one arm. This is one of the basic swimming exercises to help you learn to “catch more water” and improve your stroke power.

2. The breaststroke

The second of the swimming exercises that will help you stay in shape is the breaststroke. With this style of swimming you will not advance as fast as in the previous one, but the movements that you will do will be much more comfortable.

To carry out this exercise, you must move your arms and legs simultaneously. The arms are stretched forward and back in a circle; in the same way it will be done with the legs. The movement will allow you to raise your chest and lift your head to breathe.

An exercise that can be done to improve this style is to place a float called “worms” under the armpits when swimming. This helps to improve buoyancy, allowing you to maintain good posture while learning the technique, and it also prevents the stroke from being too long due to bringing your arms too far back.

3. The butterfly stroke, one of the most difficult swimming exercises

Butterfly style swimming exercises that will help you stay in shape

The butterfly is perhaps the most demanding of the swimming styles, as it demands great coordination. This style is suitable for people who control the swimming styles already mentioned, since it requires strength and technique.

The butterfly style consists of doing strokes with both arms at the same time, while an undulation is made with the torso, hips and knees to enhance the movement of the legs, which go together. For each stroke cycle, two kick cycles are performed.

What exercise can you do to train this style? The best is probably to practice the technique in stages:

  • The first thing you have to learn is wave motion. To do this, you can help yourself with certain accessories, such as a float, to carry it with your arms stretched out in front and raise and lower your hips and knees to produce the “whiplash” that drives you forward.
  • Once you’ve mastered the kick, add one arm to practice the stroke in isolation. When it comes out, go ahead and try both.

4. Back

The backstroke is one of the most relaxing in swimming.

Of the swimming exercises that we will present to you today, the latter is performed, as its name indicates, from the back. It is a fairly simple and even relaxing modality, in which you help yourself with your arms to move forward, while the body remains afloat.

Many people call this exercise the “back crawl” as the arms are alternately stretched backwards. The legs also do not stay still, but are given a series of continuous kicks, as in the crawl style.

One way to exercise your back technique is through the following exercises:

  • Use a board — carry it at hip height or behind your head, arms outstretched — to keep yourself afloat while you focus on practicing just the kick.
  • Practice the one-arm stroke, as we suggested with the crawl style. Another alternative is to do it with both arms, but with the fists closed.
  • When you have the technique assimilated and you want to perfect your swimming position, try doing it with a glass of water on your forehead. If it does not fall, it is because you keep your body well aligned when swimming.

Improve your fitness with these swimming exercises

All of these swimming exercises are great for strengthening your arms, back, and legs. Carrying out them will be very positive to combat the negative consequences of a sedentary life, and can even help you lose weight and body fat, according to a study published by the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness .

Many times, during the holidays, the usual exercise routine is put aside. In these circumstances, swimming can become a great ally to take advantage of any moment on the beach, for example, to exercise.

Of course, you can also include it in your daily physical exercise routine. If you are going to do it, we advise you to consult with a trained trainer to correct errors that can cause injuries and to improve your swimming technique even more. The benefits of this sport are very important!

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