5 Innocent Habits That Kill Productivity

There are certain habits that kill productivity without hardly being noticed. In fact, in general, they stay in time believing that sooner or later they will bring results. However, the truth is that they do not contribute to the routine. 

Sometimes, the alarm sounds, you turn it off, it sounds again, you decide to get up and with heavy steps, you start your routine in the bathroom or in the kitchen directly. On the surface, you are doing everything you “have to do” but do you feel like you are doing something productive at the end of the day?

Despite the good organization that you think you have, in reality, you are maintaining habits that are not helping you feel or perform better in the different aspects of your day to day. Therefore, below, we present you which are the habits that kill productivity. Once you identify it, you can change them. 

1. Not paying real attention

The mind is a complex and wonderful system. So when you focus on something, you can achieve incredible things. But the truth is that this is not always beneficial.

One of the productivity-killing habits is trying to take the wrong shortcuts. Lazy people  you tend to be successful because you find a way to do everything you need, without spending a lot of time or resources. In this way, they work only once but paying close attention to what they do ; This helps them take really useful and efficient shortcuts.

In other words, identifying the correct shortcuts to provide a quick and effective solution to a problem requires paying attention to the needs of the moment. 

Are you one of those who is always trying to find a way to do things faster or with less effort and then work twice as hard? It’s probably because you’re rushing into it and not paying real attention.

To take the right shortcuts, you don’t have to become lazy and put aside your responsibilities. Actually, what you really need to do is try to focus on one task at a time, so that you can pay full attention, without being distracted or getting carried away by the rush.

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2. Wanting to do several things at the same time always

Another habit that kills productivity in today’s society is wanting to do everything at the same time, always. It is directly related to the previous point because, when trying to do several tasks at the same time, you stop paying attention to what you do and, finally, you fail in the execution of several. Therefore, the result is poor.

The multitasking can not be performed at all times. It is necessary to internalize this and try not to succumb to the idea that if you do only one thing at a time, you are “being slow” or “unproductive.” In this sense, a balance must be maintained.

3. Interrupt your homework

Play with the phone

One of the habits that kill  productivity It seems that it is a child’s thing, although, in reality, anyone can succumb to it. It is about not knowing how to suppress the desire to communicate everything that is thought or that happens to others, either in person or through social networks. 

It is normal to get excited about certain events and want to share it. However, when you cannot perform any task, because you interrupt yourself every two by three, for wanting to tell someone something, the only thing you get is to prolong the task (s) you do.

It is valid to have a conversation with your friends, family or colleagues, but it is better to leave it for when you have finished all your pending. Remember, if you don’t organize your priorities, you will waste time. 

4. Check social media every few minutessocial media

Without a doubt, the worst of the habits that kill productivity is the fact of checking, every few minutes, the social networks. And while it is true that it is very difficult to disconnect completely, not looking at the phone or having it close by if you are doing an important task is essential to maintain productivity. For example, if you are studying, it is best to put the mobile in airplane mode and concentrate on the task.

You don’t need to see what appears on social media every few minutes. Posts can wait, as can memes and whatnot. The world is not going to end because you stop checking notifications for a long time.

There are many ways to get ‘detoxified from technology’ and everyone can apply the ones they consider most convenient, the important thing is to try.

5. Take too many breaks

It’s okay to take a few breaks when you feel like you are no longer focused or simply when the activity is struggling. However, interrupting your activities at all times is not beneficial either. Actually, it is another way of avoiding responsibility for doing what needs to be done.

Reduce the number of breaks and, when you take them, enjoy them: take a walk, move around, do simple, manual tasks (like making and drinking a smoothie) and you will see how you recharge your batteries and you can better dedicate yourself to your tasks later.

Leave productivity-killing habits behind fast

Now that you know the habits that kill productivity, you can make the necessary modifications to achieve better performance and enjoy more of your time and the activities that give you more pleasure.

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