7 Great Benefits Of Tofu, Soy Cheese

If we want to take advantage of all the benefits of tofu without making it indigestible, it is important that we avoid eating it raw and choose to cook it or cook it on the grill

Tofu is a food made from soy, very rich in vegetable protein and low in fat. It does not contain gluten or lactose. In addition, it is an ingredient that provides us with many health benefits, especially during menopause.

In this article we share all its properties, as well as the most appropriate ways to consume it in our daily menus.


Tofu is a plant-based food that is made by processing soybeans in a similar way to cow cheese. This food with a Japanese name, which does not contain milk, is very common in vegetarian diets in Asian cuisine.

Thanks to its high protein content, tofu is a good substitute for meat. It can also be cooked in a similar way. However, we must take into account how to do it the right way so that we can digest it well.

Health benefits of tofu

1. Excellent source of energy

Tofu, excellent source of energy

Tofu is a plant food that is very rich in protein. In fact, it contains the 8 essential amino acids for our body.

In this way, it gives us energy and vitality and helps us to tone and shape the silhouette. Therefore, it is ideal to combat fatigue and tiredness.

2. Rich in calcium

Tofu is an amazing source of calcium. It contains a quantity of this mineral higher than that of cow’s milk (100 grams of tofu contains 159 mg of calcium). This is because it is made with calcium salts, most of the time with sodium chloride.

Thanks to this virtue, tofu is an ideal remedy to combat bone problems, osteoporosis and cavities In addition, it facilitates the regeneration of bone fractures.

3. Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides

Tofu lowers cholesterol and triglycerides

Tofu is ideal for preventing and improving cardiovascular disorders. This is due to its content of vitamin E, lecithins and essential fatty acids. Therefore, this vegan cheese helps reduce high levels of cholesterol , triglycerides and blood pressure.

It can also be very beneficial for those suffering from arteriosclerosis or angina pectoris. Lastly, it is effective for general circulation problems.

4. Does not get fat

This plant food only  contains 4% fat and 70 calories per 100 grams. Thanks to these nutritional values, tofu is ideal in any weight loss diet or to maintain adequate weight. However, we must avoid eating it fried, as it would multiply its caloric intake.

Grilled tofu is a serving of vegetable protein that we can add to any salad, vegetable or whole grain dish. Thus we will obtain a balanced and healthy menu.

5. Raise your defenses

Tofu raises your defenses

The phytochemicals present in tofu, as well as vitamins and minerals, favor the creation of antibodies. These are the ones that raise the body’s defenses and boost our immune system.

Therefore, eating tofu often strengthens us against all kinds of infections. It is a food that cannot be missing from our diet.

6. Balances estrogens

Tofu is a very suitable food for women in menopause. This is because it provides protein and calcium, two very beneficial nutrients at this stage.

In addition, it regulates hormonal levels thanks to its isoflavone content. It can therefore alleviate the symptoms of this phase in women.

7. It is an antioxidant food

Tofu is an antioxidant food

Lastly, tofu contains nutrients that make it a highly antioxidant food. In addition, we must bear in mind that our diet must contain these types of components on a daily basis.

Antioxidants give us a better quality of life and allow us to delay the damage caused by free radicals. In addition, these accelerate the aging process.

How do we consume it?

Its appearance is similar to that of fresh cheese and in many places it is known as soy cheese. However, in no case should we consume this raw food.

Eating tofu without cooking it would be like eating raw legumes. Therefore, it would be very indigestible and even harmful to health. The problem is that the labeling does not usually inform how we should consume it.

  • We can boil it for 10 minutes to eliminate the antinutrients and then cook it on the grill or fried.
  • Once it is boiled, we can also crush it with other ingredients to make sauces, creams and smoothies. For example, a vegan mayonnaise without egg.

    Finally, it is important to note that most of the soy that is grown today throughout the world is transgenic. For this reason we should always opt for organic and good quality tofu.

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