7 Natural Remedies To Eliminate Lice And Nits

Natural remedies such as tea tree, help us to eliminate lice and nits, but we must first consult with the doctor before applying them.

Removing lice and nits is not an easy task. Lice are parasites that live on the head of people and feed on the blood of their host, their eggs are called nits and we find them most often on the nape and behind the ears.

In addition to being very unpleasant, they also generate discomfort such as a tickling sensation, strong itching or small lesions on the scalp as a result of scratching, even sleeping problems, because lice are more active in the dark.

Children are usually the most affected by the ease of contagion in places such as playgrounds or schools. For this reason, it is very important that parents are attentive and carefully check their children’s hair, if they are not detected quickly, they can spread and affect other schoolmates and family members.

Remedies to remove lice and nits

Today, there are many treatments that offer a solution to kill these parasites and their eggs. However, a large part of the products marketed have chemical components that can cause irritation to the scalp or be aggressive for children.

Luckily, there are natural alternatives that help treat this type of infestation. Would you like to know them?

1. Eucalyptus leaves

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We will take advantage of the antiseptic properties  of eucalyptus. To do this, we will make a mixture of eucalyptus leaves and add the juice of a lemon. Lemon has antiseptic, insecticidal and repellent properties (due to its strong acid aroma they make these parasites look for another place to stay).

To prepare it, we will put a handful of eucalyptus leaves in water, letting it boil for 5 minutes. When it has rested and is warm, we will apply it to the hair with a gentle massage, leaving it to act for 30 minutes.

I spent this time with the lice comb, called a nit comb , comb it the hair strand by strand to eliminate them entirely. Finally wash the hair as you normally do. It is recommended to repeat several times a week for 15 days to get rid of lice and nits completely.

2. Rosemary leaves

Rosemary is an aromatic plant that, due to its vitamin and mineral content, provides many benefits for the health of our hair, helps to strengthen hair, slows down hair loss and helps keep it free of pests such as lice. It works as a lice repellent due to the “unbearable” smell (for them).

To prepare it, we will put a handful of rosemary leaves in water, letting it boil for 5 minutes. When it has rested and is warm, we will have a perfumed water to wet the hair of the “patient” before combing it.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for skin

Apple cider vinegar contains a high concentration of acids, which makes it a strong ally to eliminate lice and nits. For its use we will make a 50/50 mixture  of apple cider vinegar  and water that we will apply on dry hair, we will let it act for 10 minutes. After this time, we will pass the laundry and wash as usual.

4. Coconut oil

The natural fatty acids in coconut oil are toxic to lice. When we apply coconut oil to our hair, due to the oleic substances present in its composition, lice and nits cannot catch on, they can  not stay attached to the hair.

In this way we can end them and cut their cycle. An advantage of coconut oil is that it nourishes the hair, making it look soft and silky.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea tree essential oil

This essential oil is characterized by its antiseptic, antiviral and fungicidal action. Reduces scalp irritation and provides relief from itchiness caused by lice bites. It is commonly used as a repellent.

We can use it in several ways:

  • First of all, we will dilute it in water.
  • We will add a few drops of tree oil to the usual shampoo.
  • A couple of drops directly on the scalp behind the ears and on the nape of the neck.

6. Garlic

Due to its sulfur compounds, garlic is considered a remedy that alters the proper environment for the survival of lice  and, if we combine it with lemon, we obtain an ideal mixture to eliminate lice and nits.

We will use three or four cloves of garlic, depending on the length of the hair, and a few drops of lemon juice. Then we grind this mixture until we obtain a paste.

We apply the paste by massaging the hair and cover the head with a hat. We let it work overnight.

In the morning we must rinse the hair with hot water and wash it regularly. Then we will comb the hair with the lendrera. We must repeat this process weekly until we are able to completely eliminate lice and nits.

Although these remedies are popularly used and their use is even recommended, it is best to use products specially designed to eliminate lice.

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