7 Tips To Protect Your Bones And Prevent Osteoporosis

To achieve strong and healthy bones, in addition to consuming foods rich in calcium, we must obtain vitamin D, as it is essential for its proper assimilation.

The bone system is a complex structure that is responsible for supporting the body and providing  stability. Among other things, bones play an important role in other vital functions, such as making enough red and white blood cells to prevent disease from developing.

However, the problem is that many factors can weaken them and can cause diseases that decrease the quality of life. Although age is one of the most common factors, it is also proven that they can be affected by poor diet, trauma or genetic issues.

Osteoporosis is one of the pathologies that most influence them, being a consequence of the decrease in bone mass. Many people are at risk for it and, in fact, may be developing it without even realizing it. Indeed, the problem is that it does not show strong initial symptoms and often goes unnoticed until the damage is more serious.

Fortunately, there are methods that help prevent and treat it. Therefore, on this occasion, we want to reveal 7 interesting tips so that you can start protecting them from now on.

1. Eat dairy products

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Regular consumption of dairy products is one of the best ways to strengthen and protect your bones. These types of foods contain high levels of calcium, a mineral essential for the formation and strength of the bone system.

However, it is essential to analyze if you suffer from lactose intolerance since, if so, its consumption could be harmful.

2. Increase your intake of green vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of calcium and other essential nutrients that are involved in building bones. In addition, they are low in calories and rich in antioxidant substances that help minimize the negative effects of free radicals.

Some of the highlights:

  • Parsley.
  • Arugula
  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lettuce.

3. Eat nuts and seeds

Nuts recommended for better sleep.

Although dairy products stand out for their significant contribution of calcium, this mineral can also be obtained from foods of plant origin. Indeed, nuts and some seeds have enormous amounts of this nutrient and other minerals essential for bone health.

For example, 30 grams of almonds contain 75 milligrams of calcium. For its part, 30 grams of sesame seeds provide 37 milligrams. It can also be obtained from:

  • Walnuts.
  • Peanuts
  • Chia seed.
  • Sunflower seeds.

4. Don’t forget vitamin D

Although calcium is the most prominent nutrient in the formation of bones, it is essential to bear in mind that it is only absorbed when you have adequate levels of vitamin D.  Therefore, it is essential to eat foods whose composition includes this nutrient and, in turn, obtain it with sun baths of 15 or 20 minutes.

However, be sure to expose yourself at low-damage hours and take precautionary measures to avoid burns or injuries.

5. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Avoid cigarette

The toxins in tobacco and alcoholic beverages are detrimental to bone health. In addition, its excessive intake reduces reflexes and increases the risk of falls and possible fractures.  Likewise, they alter the cleaning processes of the blood and contribute to the development of pathologies.

6. Get regular exercise

Physical exercise is one of the most recommended habits to take care of bone and joint health. Indeed, practicing a training routine  strengthens the bones, prevents early cartilage deterioration and reduces the risk of injury.

In fact, some exercises are designed to directly target your bones and prevent bone loss.

7. Limit the consumption of sugars

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The excessive consumption of refined sugars, edibles and industrial beverages is harmful to health in many ways, and can even promote the reduction of bone density.

In fact, in an article on the risk factors and prevalence of osteoporosis and bone mass, it is indicated that “in children, a decrease in bone mineral density has been reported when their consumption of soft drinks is high, which apparently is explained by the displacement of milk for soft drinks ”.

In conclusion, by improving lifestyle habits, especially in terms of diet, the risk of suffering problems in the bone system can be reduced. Therefore, take the measures mentioned and discover for yourself that they are key to your well-being.

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